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Another GOY story

Yes, it's been a while. No, things haven't gone as originally planned, which was either to stick with Fez or move on to Blood Dragon.

Instead, I let Metal Gear Scanlon get to my head and decided to fart around with MGS2 on the Vita. Got a few trophies in the process.

After that, and following a shit-ton of videos during a period wherein I lacked the motivation to subject myself to the rigors of the interactive experience, I returned to the PS3 and went back to my Mass Effect platinum run, one which I had started soon after downloading it back in the last part of 2012. I still have the notepad of how I was going to achieve the platinum in as few playthroughs as possible.

First, Bradley Shepard was a Soldier, raised as a spacer with a ruthless disposition, He sent Kaidan to his death and wound up banging Chief Williams in between segments of 60 Minutes. (Because in 2183 THAT'S still a thing.) He was a renegade to the core, to the point that he jumped at the chance to eliminate the Council then told a shocked Udina that was his plan all along, Cold. Blooded.

Next we have the Engineer known as Vincenzo Shepard. Born on Earth his disposition was a bit more agreeable after proving his mettle time and again on his way to being known as a War Hero. He also sent Kaidan to his untimely demise but waited for the body to cool before going after Williams.

Most recently (as in, yesterday) I completed the first playthrough of Taswell Shepard, an Adept Colonist who survived the onslaught on Akuze and therefore was known as a pretty big asshole to most people, especially his superiors, with the not infrequent exception of his own crew. In this first go-round, he mainlined the story as quickly as possible, to the point where he lacked the Charm/Intimidate points to save Wrex (first time I ever saw that play out), as well as not getting a little pre-boss nookie. But that's alright, because I still got the trophy for completing a mission on Hardcore difficulty.

Which leaves, going into this new game plus, the trophies for level 60, using Stasis 75 times, having Kaiden and Tali'Zorah as allies (guess who's staying alive this time), the Insanity trophy and, of course, the elusive platinum.

So yeah, Mass Effect. Possibly for the last time. At the rate I'm on, I might finish this in a few years. I'm almost ready to stop trying to fool myself into believing I can chart my own course through these GOY Challenge waters, as I tend to move from game to game to game and stay only long enough to enjoy my time playing before moving on. I think there are psychotropic medications out now which might help me with this.

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