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Saving Yourself: Of Men and Princesses

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Let's pretend for a second that you don't play video games for the reason you think you play video games. You don't play them because you want to control someone else. You don't play them to take out all that aggression you have. You don't play them to save the princess and get that kiss you so rightfully deserve for your actions. Let's pretend you play games because you're a girl.

Something that is absolutely vital to playing video games is an imagination so imagine that the reason you play so many of those dang things is because you have a need to be controlled. You fantasize about someone caring for you, that the character in the game is the lucky one for having someone dictating their every decision. You want to be completely submissive in life.

If this is true, what does that mean for video games? Are we the ones who need rescuing? Are video games Bowser, and women Mario?