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Pointless Blog for Clearing Things Up.

Ok So this is a blog I made/making based off of things that happened in the past few days that I have experienced. 

1. Dante's new look.

Now  a lot of people seem to be up in arms about this new Dante being totally different and betraying all that is the Dante we know and love.  This is not true.  Yeah he smokes and he is shown captured in an asylum in a damn trailer but this is supposed to be a reboot/offshoot as far as I know and something that comics have been able to pull off and pull off well, Ultimate Spider-Man and Superman: Red Son as examples, why can't video games.  I doubt that Capcom will ditch the old character as we have seen with Sands of time making another sequel in 2010 even though they rebooted it in 08.  it's also not a bad design if you separate it from the original character which these guys seem to be doing with the entire universe being separated as well. 
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 Most people are calling him emo or a vampire from Twilight which is way off considering the characters of Twilight are well groomed models with a lot of makeup on, Dante looks more punk than anything.  The gameplay is the only thing to be worried about as they have not shown much if anything and the team that is handling it is very shaky in it's history. 

2.  Halo Reach

I'm sure this is kicked to death already and very few people care about this now but Jeff did a review.  He talked highly of it and scored it well.  Most people that read the text review complained that Jeff didn't have any formal complaints and should have rated it 5 stars and not 4.  When he uses the "It's Halo" argument people freak out because he gave SSFIV 5 and MWII 5 which many complain has the same problem 10 fold.  Guys, it's his opinion and if he wasn't ecstatic about Halo and super pumped why would he give it 5?  He loved those 2 games more than the Halo series as a whole and has a more enjoyable time with them as well as staying power for him.  It was his opinion and if he wasn't super hyped for it and still thinks it's great it speaks to the quality of the game.  Only the people that never liked Halo won't like it but he didn't have to love it as much as everyone else.  He does explain it better on the podcast and video review which I guess a lot of you have seen.  


3. Twilight

I'm not gonna bash Twilight, I'm not gonna praise it either.  I don't like Twilight, and never have but that doesn't mean I feel the need to insult people that do with slander.  Twilight has a bunch of overtones about sexism and misogyny.  However most of the Twilight audience are not like this at all.  If you have a conversation about why someone likes Twilight they tend to hate some of the characters of the book.  Talking to a lot of people that like Twilight all hate Bella for being that sexist view of a woman who only wants to be married and does nothing for anybody except have the need for a man in her life.  Bella is the one that most embodies all of the sexism and misogyny and most of the books readers can't stand her.  Hell most of the people I talked to said it was like softcore harlequins that they have access too and don't really want any of those men in their lives.   
People who read Twilight aren't stupid either.  I know straight A students as well as people leading good lives as adults who have read and liked it.  I guess they got a head in their lives by derping their way into good paying jobs and smacking their pen on a test.  I feel that most people who talk shit about the audience are generalizing and just guessing that this is what they act like, a bunch of 14 year olds who want want to just get married and do nothing or a bunch of female child predators when that is far from the truth.  Sure those fans exist but that is far from how everyone acts like.  People who think it is ruining a generation, every generation had something like this with bad morals.  Remember Grease?  The movie about how if you want someone to love you you have to change your entire personality to look cool and be accepted in your boyfriends posse.  The people who watched that as a kid grew up and became functional adults.  I used to absolutely hate Twilight when I was 14 but I grew up and saw the truth.  Twilight is a fad and will disappear.  It will not poison people, you are blowing this out of proportion.  Continue to not see the bad movies or not buying the books.  It isn't something to go out of your way to bitch and insult at.