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Best of 2010

Shadowjester: Best of 2010

List items

  • This is the best Halo game so far. Bungie can make themselves a good halo game.

  • Great characters, great story, controls well and keeps you going to the end. All the quality we've come to expect from Rockstar.

  • Everything on Olympus must die. And Kratos is the man for the job. 3rd times the charm in this great looking ending to the story of one messed up spartan's revenge. But it's all about "hope" right?

  • I hate this game.

  • Ubisoft has put together an amazingly fun and beutiful looking game. What is more fun than killing templar up close and personal like? Answer: Waving your hand and watching a pack of Templar killing assassins come flying in to do your dirty work for you.

  • a thrilling mind bender whose story and characters make up for what would otherwise be a very repetiive game.