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I Broke The Cloud

Some of you may have seen the infographic I posted yesterday about Quick Look deaths, if you haven't seen it, you can find it here.

Anyway, that's not the point of this blog, actually I'm sure most of you have seen that already, too many in fact as I just got this fun little email from CloudApp:

I'm getting in touch on behalf of CloudApp. It's come to our attention that one of your files is generating excessive traffic. We looked into it and it seems like you are using CloudApp as a content delivery network. The specific drop is named "BradsDeathsInfo.png".

While we would love to do this, you can probably imagine that we can't allow operating a CDN on top of CloudApp for free or even at $5 a month. We built CloudApp to quickly share your files with others.

We kindly ask that you find a solution more suited for distributing content. I'd recommend either Amazon's S3 or CloudFront services. We use both of those services and they've been great.

I appreciate your timely response. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help you transition your assets off of CloudApp.

I got over 11,000 views on that image which is amazing, seriously thanks everyone for the support.

So what I've done is removed the link to the cloud image and have hosted it here on Giant Bomb, I've changed the link in the original blog post to the new page, so if you could do your best to try and not use that old link so I don't get any more scary emails from the Cloud I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks all.