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So recently I've been playing World of Warcraft. For me, WoW is a kind of like that one girl you've always liked as a friend and every once in awhile it becomes friends with benefits, but it will never progress beyond that. And this has been going on for 3 years. And you never really even get that far in all of your hook-ups. I suppose you could throw me in the casual category because of that, but I'm getting away from the point. 
In my recent quest to finally hit a level cap (i.e. get somewhere), I've been questing like mad and I'm finally 1 level away from hitting 80 & perhaps making my WoW experience into a game that I constantly play (not gonna lie, even once I hit 80 I don't think it's going to happen, especially with Halo: Reach right around the corner). I found the new dungeon system very useful and I only wish it had been implemented sooner... but there's one problem. 
A little earlier than this post, I had been running the Culling of Stratholme with a random group. Everything went really well, and we finished with some nice drops (of course, nothing for a Rogue. NOTHING DROPS FOR ROGUES, DAMMIT). So I'm waiting for Chromie to come so I can turn in the quest about escorting Arthas through til the end of the instance, and just as I'm about to turn in the quest to click the "Complete Quest" button, I'm kicked from the party. Once the instance is completed, that should not be able to happen.  Of course, it's not hard to redo the instance and I'm fully aware of that. But it's really inconvenient when you finish something, only to be completely robbed and have to start all over again from the beginning. Or, going back to my original comparison, it's like your finally going to get laid, but right as you're about to start (or finish), someone's parents walk down the stairs. Sure, you can start it again, but you're going to be extremely paranoid that the same thing is going to happen again, so you're especially careful. 
I know it's not a great story, but I'm waiting for Entourage to load. I need to keep myself busy, dammit.