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WTF is SE doing?

I honestly don't even know where to begin. I'm not mad at Square... I'm disappointed.  I'm disappointed that they're taking the "let's make 20 different games at once" route as opposed to one where they focus on 1-2 games at a time. On top of that, how much sense does it make to announce a game in 2008 (Versus? I think?), only to have a game's sequel (the original barely being in 2009) come out before it? 
Look, I know there's a lot that goes into these video games, namely because I've actually worked in the industry (albeit not with a major game company). I realize that you have to establish an engine in order for a game to even function, which attributes to FFXIII-2's proximity and Versus' distance. So as upset as I am about Versus being put behind XIII-2, there's at least reason, given the way SE does things and what I want obviously isn't their priority. Having said that, I don't understand the logic in putting out FFXIII-2 before Versus. It's frustrating.
Did I just refute part of what I'm bitching about? Yes, but with good reason- why the flying fuck is Square Enix making a ton of different titles at once? Did they not fire 300-200 of their staff members in 2009? If your staff is already limited, then why was SE busy making (off the top of my head) DQIX, Versus, XIII, XIV, 4 Warriors of Light, FFTactics for the iPhone, Agito(Type-0?), KH3D, KH Birth by Sleep, KH Re:Coded, XIII-2 (maybe), and... I can't think of anything else. I'm probably wrong on a few of those, but even then, we're looking at 7-8 games by a game company that cut 200-300 staff members?  
It's absolutely ridiculous and stupid. It's like they're a kid at a candy shop and they want all of the candy, but they can barely afford it. So rather than buy one piece and enjoy the hell out of it, they buy as much as they can. They get home, and they eat all of it really fast as opposed to enjoying it piece by piece. So not only are they out of money, but with all the candy they consumed, they're getting sick. Shitty analogy but I think it gets the point across- trying to do too much is only going to drive you into the ground. 
And like I said, I haven't worked in a large game maker yet, but if they doing this, they're only going to run the company into the ground. I'm a witness to that.