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Searching for the next game that takes over my life.

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Little Improvements 08/30/2016

Apologies for no entry yesterday. I think I'm getting a little bored with sharing minor adjustments and fighting game routines almost exclusively. Though that is the vast majority of my game play these days. I digress.

So, I think I discovered some info about the Rashid matchup for Rog. I need to do some lab time to verify that though. That's my biggest takeaway from the past few days. Gonna put serious time into that.

My Rocket League partner and I, since finding our way back to Prospect Elite have continued to play well, but not have not left division 2 yet. SO CLOSE to challenger level. Just want to get there, even if only briefly.

I started playing The Witcher 3: Complete Edition today. I actually livestreamed my whole play session. Gameplay only though, ignoring all comments and not speaking over the game. I made a few hilarious mistakes leading to my demise, but overall got things going today. Cannot wait to give it some real time. I have three days off now so I should be able to do that. Not sure what this means for my play of Mega Man Legends.

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