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The Wait for SSFIV

Has become almost unbearable.  I am so ready for some new characters and more importantly lobbies.  Now that lobbies will be included, I think it will allow for better and more diverse training with friends.  Hope April 27th gets here soon. 



I picked up SFIV when it came out, and played it a couple of times, then put it down for a few months.  I returned to my comfort zone, which is a plethora or FPS games like COD4, Halo3, TF2, etc.  I then caught a video of Daigo vs Justin Wong at the Gamestop tournament and couldn't believe what I was seeing.  I was then immediately hooked.  I popped in my dusty copy of SFIV and was immediately destroyed.  I have ever since then been slowly improving my strategies and trying to understand what I have been doing wrong. 

I am glad fighting games are making a comeback, but the reason they have made this comeback is because they have been quality.  I would hate for companies to start rushing out games to get a part of the action.  I think it would diminish the genre that is slowly building itself back up to the top!