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siddarth0605's forum posts

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#1  Edited By siddarth0605

Giant Bomb Community GOTY - Best New Character (Voting)

Welcome to the first of a month long project I am hosting to allow the fans of the site to offer their chance to vote for the GOTY awards. Over the next month I will be posting a new award every day and will let the fans vote on the winner as well as the runners up.

Previous Awards:

The 2011's 2010 Game of the Year

The Voting Process

So here's how we are going to do this. Starting in December I will put up a category for you guys to vote for. You will have free reign to nominate anything you want as long as it fits with the category and was released in 2011. When you reply to the post put your winner and runner up. So for example If I was voting for this category I would put down

Winner: Wheatley (Portal 2)

Runner Up: Charlie Cutter (Uncharted 3)

The way the scoring system will work is that the winner from each person will get 2 points and the runner up will get one point. At the end of the day I will tally up all the points and whoever has the most wins and consequently the 2nd and 3rd highest will be the runners up. For GOTY we will do a winner and four runners up but the voting process will still be the same.

The Voting will end on December 2nd at 11:59 pm and the winner will be announced the following day. At the same time the voting for the next award will begin.

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#2  Edited By siddarth0605

The Giant Bomb Community's 2011's 2010 Game of the Year - Starcraft II

No Caption Provided

The original Starcraft was one of the most revered and influential franchises to ever hit the market. It became so popular that it became treated as a national sport. So being asked to make a sequel to that is akin to being asked to make a sequel to basketball. That is exactly the problem Blizzard was tasked with solving and 12 years later they found the answer. Starcraft II was released on July 27th, 2010 to overwhelming critical acclaim and financal success. The single player campaign was the first part in a trilogy that continued the story of Jim Raynor and his fight against the Dominion as well as his continuing search for Sarah Kerrigan. While the storyline was well done and the missions were varied, the life of that game and its sustainability is rooted in its multplayer. The multiplayer alone is what continued to push the game back. It was tested over and over again and when everything seemed ready it was sent back to the drawing board to be refined even further. This was all done in order to provide an experience that every company strives to achieve when making a sequel: an experience that is both comfortable yet fresh.

Many games attempt to extend their influence through DLC or by adding multiplayer to their seqel. Some companies handle these really well but despite their best efforts those games fade into the archives until the inevitable sequel is announced. However, Starcraft has the distinct honor of being a relevant and powerful game to this day on its own terms, and it does so not through a persistent leveling system or through map packs, or DLC but through the sheer brilliance of its gameplay and the strength of its community. Whether you are a member or a spectator Starcraft II is a phenomenal game to experience. When the dust has settled on every other game Starcraft II will still be around. It is your choice for Giant Bomb's 2011's 2010 Game of the Year.

Runner Up: Civilzation V

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#3  Edited By siddarth0605

@Red12b said:

@brodywb said:

I vote for Civilization 5

It's a tie for GT5 and Civ 5 for me

If you had to pick on which would it be

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#4  Edited By siddarth0605

Giant Bomb's Community Game of the Year - The 2011's 2010 Game of the Year Voting

Welcome to the first of a month long project I am hostin to allow the fans of the site to offer their chance to vote for the GOTY awards. Over the next month I will be posting a new award every day and will let the fans vote on the winner as well as the runners up. If you want to know how to vote go to the following link and read the rules:

The Voting will end on December 1st at 11:59 pm and the winner will be announced the following day. At the same time the voting for the 2nd award will begin.

Our first award is the 2011's 2010 GOTY. This award is for the game that was released in 2010 but still found some life in 2011. This can be a game that you continue to play in 2011, a game that is strongly supported by the community in 2011 or simply a game that you didn't play until 2011 but now came to play and love. The only requirement for a game to be considered is that it had to have been released in 2010. Enjoy.

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#5  Edited By siddarth0605

Hey I just finished Rage and I really enjoyed it. Now that I finished the main story I'm looking for someone who is willing to do some legends of the wasteland. If anyone is interested I will be online tomorrow. My steam account name is: silverblade19875.

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#6  Edited By siddarth0605

@deathstriker666 said:

You should make that into polls and spam the forums like everybody else in the previous years

Thanks for the constructive input

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#7  Edited By siddarth0605

@Little_Socrates: that all depends on the viewers. if a lot of people want it we can add it.

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#8  Edited By siddarth0605

@RockinKemosabe said:

What about best TNT? I'd nominate Dead Island.

TNT can be included in the quick look of the year category. since TNT is a subscriber only video service i didn't want to have a separate category for it

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#9  Edited By siddarth0605

@Willin said:

I wanna vote on the Northie. :(

haha I love that category too. If enough people want it we can add it.

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