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#1  Edited By sinspaw

@jackopm said:

I don't get why people are so knee-jerk defensive of From. I think it's perfectly reasonable to say they made a sub-expectations PC port, and just because they're scrappy underdogs that everyone's rooting for doesn't mean you can't give them flack for it. Oh, you say that that we should cut them slack because it's their first PC port? Why? They're still asking for you to pay a significant sum for it.

I played a decent amount of DS on PS3 (>12 hours), and I enjoyed it for what it was; same with Demons' Souls. I think From is doing important work and should be lauded for their achievements. I also think it's pretty wack that they released what looks, from the outside, like a slapdash PC port that was substantially improved immediately after release and claimed they just "weren't experienced enough" for it. Some of the imagery in the article may be a little sensationalist, but I think most of the sentiments seem valid. People immediately crying foul over From Software's feelings should maybe consider being less emotionally invested in a company, especially when they make a misstep., yeah. Couple of things. FROM aren't the ones who set the price for the game, NAMCO are. Blaming FROM because the game is too expensive for you is stupid, and ignorant. Here you are, bashing a company who all things cosindered TOOK A RISK by porting this game to the PC. Why the risk you foolishly ask? Because porting a game still requires resources, one of them being paid time for the employers of the company. Money is being spent in the name of some 90k signatures, which although it's a pretty impressive number for a petition, we don't know how much profit would be required from selling the game to cover the amount of resources spent, and if only these 90k people would buy it, it would surely amount to a loss of money. Oh, and this is not even counting the costs of promoting of the game and so on. Another thing to consider... these people were HONEST with you. They told you this was a strict port, unlikely to be spectacular. From this you take that they are weak because they are excusing themselves for the poor job as you see it. People like you disgust me. How many times have you seen ports being hyped up by companies, only for the game to be close to unplayable and needing a shitload of fixes, when they are possible that is. GTA4 rings a bell? They told you what to expect from this port, and told you what the price is. If you're unhappy despite being warned... that's your problem. I praise FROM for, one way or another, taking a risk in this port, and being honest about its lack of quality, which by the way DOES NOT GO WELL WITH SELLING THE PRODUCT. There is a MASSIVE difference between bashing a company like EA, whom have shitloads of resources, and FROM, a smaller company making truly amazing games and taking risks whilst doing so. Next time you wanna bash or tell people to not be so respectful of a company like that, just know that guys like me who appreciate innovation and risk taking in nowadays gaming, would like to literally hit you in the face.

Just before I'm done... You played 12 hours of DS? I doubt you are even close to have finished the game. Just a thought.