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Weekly Rundown - 09/26-10/02

Games this week:

  • Playstation 3: Resident Evil Code: Veronica X HD, Portal 2
  • Xbox 360: Lost Odyssey, Gears of War 3
  • PSP: Persona 2: Innocent Sin, Half-Minute Hero
  • Playstation 2: Persona 3 FES

Format change! I keep playing games late Sunday night, so, I'm going to start doing these Monday morning so I can include those games with their appropriate week. Onward!

Played a little more of The Answer portion of Persona 3 FES. Unimpressed, moving on. Especially since it's way of "being more challenging" seems to mean "you need to grind more". No thank you.

To go back, and yet forward, in time a bit, Persona 2: Innocent Sin got a remake on the PSP. Picked that up and started playing it. I'm barely into it, so not much to say. It's cool seeing some characters from the first game making a reappearance.

Also on the PSP, Half-Minute Hero! That game's super entertaining, I finished the Hero 30 campaign, although I still need to go and get some of the branching path levels. The humor in the game is great, lots of ribbing but still paying homage to classic RPG tropes.

Keeping it in the Playstation family, bought Resident Evil Code: Veronica X HD on Friday. Should be a review up either today or tomorrow for it on Player Affinity. Short version, it's old Resident Evil. Tank controls, color-and-shape-matching puzzles. If you didn't enjoy the item management, stiff controls, and terrible below B voice acting of the first couple games, don't buy this one.

Wheatley is the reason I was up last night playing games. Finally started Portal 2, and I am absolutely in love with Wheatley. Possibly the funniest character of 2011, for me. Not much else to say, I've barely started. It's puzzley in the Portal way, so far. I know there are new elements later, but I haven't reached that point yet.

And finally, the outlier, the Xbox 360. Started Lost Odyssey. I've been meaning to give this game a chance so I finally installed all of the discs and booted it up. Not super far into it, other games keep monopolizing my time, but it's interesting so far. The combat's pretty standard RPG fare with a little bit of The Legend of Dragoon thrown in with some timed button pressing, but the character Kaim Argonar is intriguing. Especially whenever he unlocks a memory. There's a lot of reading involved, but it's done well. More to come on that.

And for the last game, Gears of War 3. Was starting to go through the campaign and gather collectibles but I just don't find myself wanting to. Tebo's birthday needs to be sooner so I can just buy him a copy of the game without it being weird. I need my co-op buddy in the mix.

And that's it. Kind of a rush job, but, I didn't play much of any particular game this week, except Code: Veronica. See everyone next week, hopefully the list of games will be shorter.