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Dead Island Gameplay


 I was not expecting Dead Island to remind me of Borderlands after watching that cinematic trailer that was released a while ago but surprisingly I'm more excited than I was before. From the footage shown it looks like it will have Dead Rising's weapon building not to mention it's zombies, Far Cry's environment, and Borderland's RPG mechanics and CO-OP. Techland is going for a more "realistic" approach to combating zombies by limiting firearms and focusing on melee weapons. The melee combat looks better than what I was expecting but that's not saying much, and I"m not sure if the combat could hold my attention until the end. They're saying its going to be a 20-30 hour experience and I don't think enemy variety could keep me interested in the combat until the end. The open world and RPG mechanics could easily take the focus off the combat so I'm not too worried. I liked Techland's past games (Call of Juarez series) and I'm looking forward to seeing more footage at E3.