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Best of 2010

sleepy: Best of 2010

List items

  • I feel kind of cheating adding this to the list, but Picross 3D is the game I had the most fun this year.

  • Not a perfect game and I got kind of burned out when playing Undead Nightmare. . . but Red Dead Redemption is a western game that is actually good!

  • Bringing your character and his/her choices from the first game just made playing Mass Effect 2 so much special.

  • So glad this got actually released outside the arcade! It's insanely fast and SO much fun! Everyone should play this!

  • Hard not to add this to the list. I really think Heavy Rain did a lot of important things with its story and gameplay.

  • I love co-op and all that, but Dead Rising works so much better as a short game.

  • ODST did a lot of interesting things as a Halo-game and it's a shame that a lot of those didn't transfer over to Reach. But as a goodbye to franchise, I suppose it is understandable that Bungie wanted to do a more traditional Halo game. Reach also get's the "Special Edition of the Year"-award from me, the packaging and Halsey's journal are gorgeous.

  • So snappy, so hard, so fun.

  • From the previews and such, I thought I would skip this game. So glad I didn't! Had no idea this actually had an actual single player campaign.

  • It's either this or Yakuza 3 for the number 10 spot. . . And I guess Alan Wake deserves it more. I do hope it would've been a little better, a little more special. It is worth playing, as is Yakuza 3.