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Quick Update...

Hey guys, so recently I have just gotten out my PS2 N64 SNES and my 360. I have it all setup for when my capture card comes so I can do videos on all four consoles. I'm also thinking of getting some PS2 games that I have missed out on such as God of War 2, Persona 4 and a few others. Also I have recently just bought a 1 TB Hard Drive for recording once I get the capture card. 1 TB is 1000 GB for all you non-geeks. Alright last thing, I will be ordering my capture card on the 12th or 16th, I am pretty sure its the 12th but I cant be sure. So look forward to me posting some real videos on youtube and I will post a link to my first one. Thanks guys and keep updated!



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Edited By smokeH

Hey guys, so recently I have just gotten out my PS2 N64 SNES and my 360. I have it all setup for when my capture card comes so I can do videos on all four consoles. I'm also thinking of getting some PS2 games that I have missed out on such as God of War 2, Persona 4 and a few others. Also I have recently just bought a 1 TB Hard Drive for recording once I get the capture card. 1 TB is 1000 GB for all you non-geeks. Alright last thing, I will be ordering my capture card on the 12th or 16th, I am pretty sure its the 12th but I cant be sure. So look forward to me posting some real videos on youtube and I will post a link to my first one. Thanks guys and keep updated!

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Edited By dj

I really want to pick up Persona 4 buy have not been able to find any. It's a bummer.