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Christmas list dilema...

Well, assuming my XBOX 360 lives until the end of the year.... I'd like something to play on Christmas day... 
The question is what?!  I was thinking Fable 3, but the unfavourable reviews have put me off - I liked 2 but I was more interested in 3 for it's rule the country section - which now sounds quite rubbish... And something of a wasted oppurtunity.  So I played the demo of 'The Force Unleashed 2' and I liked it - but already, some of the niggles of part 1 were visible... I sort of want to buy it anyway, but only for the story (Which they say isn't as good) and the fight with the huge beastie thing that eats Rancors - you saw it in the teaser trailer... But everyone says the problems of part 1 are still there and its too short...
I still like my Guitar Hero games, and I'm sort of interested in the 'You Rock' guitar - being a guitarist also... But I can't imagine quite how this would work on Guitar Hero...  Has anyone played with one?  Are they any good?  How does it work?
Failing that - I really don't know, I'm not a big Halo fan, so don't expect to be asking for Halo: Reach.   The truth is I'm just not big on FPS with a pad still, I can tolerate Left 4 Dead - because you can always use the shove button to buy you a second to line your shot up and it works.  I can tolerate Gears of War because of the cover system, but I can't see myself enjoying Halo.
So beyond that - what is there I can ask for, for Christmas this year that is actually 'good'?  or going to be good.  I mean on the level of Left 4 Dead, Red Dead Redemption, Forza Motorsport 3 and such like - 4.5/5 93% or more games?  I still have to play through Prince of Persia : Forgotten Sands, but I'm finding it a bit flat, a bit silly and not as much fun as re-playing Gears of War 1 for achievements... 
So I'm at a loss this Christmas now, and may end up resorting to bucket loads of mulled wine and collapsing asleep in front of  Noel Edmunds on the telly after stuffing my face with Mince Pies... Unless someone can suggest what might be worth a play?