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Quick GOTY and GOTD, GO!

Game of the year would have been non-existent considering how I lack complete impulse when it comes to picking the best of anything. That is up until a few days ago. Game of the Year goes to... and this is no big surprise. 

Complete lack of shock goes here>>>>>>
Complete lack of shock goes here>>>>>>
Is there any shock? Well just a bit, considering that I never thought of even buying the game up until a week ago, it is quite strange that this game would even be here. Understand this, I've already sunk 30+ hours with one of my characters, I've got multiple characters going on at once. Does that not mean something? Absolutely it does, it means I'm hooked again to the classic WRPGs, which means I have to find my blasted copy of Planescape Torment again, which I doubt I will be able to find. I never thought I would get hooked on an RPG so quickly, and one whose entire game is a heaven for all things nostalgic, and there I was a few weeks ago thinking I would be so bored of this game. If I could tell me three weeks ago to shut the hell up and just buy the damn game, I would have completed this game multiple times already. 
In fact, this game is so amazing, I've forgotten all about my account disappearing on me for no god damn reason. Astonishing, and even though I should deal with that soon, I still want to finish at least one of the character's stories. I can't help myself, when I get that far in a game, I have to see it through. Because that's how I roll. Plus I don't want to try and get my approval rating with Zevran back to 100%, it would be a waste, I'm happy with where I've gotten with him.
Anyways, that's the GAME OF THE YEAR 2009. But what about that other fad that has popped around the internet? 

GAME OF THE DECADE from 2000-2009

Yeah, that one. How can I choose? Well, actually quite simply, but how can Destructoid choose Shadow of the Colossus? That's a pretty stupid choice, and even though I loved that game to death, there are so many better games out there. One in particular which they shrugged off to be ignored somewhere from #20-#10, why would they do that? Now I would put System Shock 2 as the ***GAME OF THE DECADE***, but that came out in the last decade. Maybe next time. 
What is my "!!!***GAME OF THE DECADE***!!!"? Stupid question I pose to you, a person who lives in my head, and I there's only one game that can top all others, a game I have sunk at least 100 hours into. At least. To your complete and utter lack of surprise, Snipzor's Game of the Decade is
 Duh! Just barely made it, timewise. Damn this game is good. No explanation needed.
 Duh! Just barely made it, timewise. Damn this game is good. No explanation needed.
Let's not forget the last award people. The most honourable of them all.  

Best use of cheese in videogames... of the decade

Umm... I should have thought this through actually... there's only one game I can think of. Umm, Perfect Dark. There we go, best use of cheese of the decade. Subtle usage and reeks slightly of egg. Exactly like cheese, if you like egglike cheese. Personally I'm more of a fan of a nutty based cheese. I would have an award for best cheese of the decade, but that would be silly, and I am not a man of silliness. Happy New Year!

Would a representative of Microsoft deal with this problem?!

Seriously, I don't want advice like "Invest in a new hard drive" or "Try recovering your gamertag on someone else's console and transfer it to yours" for good reason. Mainly because the first one is complete bullshit and the second one is stupid bullshit. Let me reiterate this simple point, I've got two months of Xbox Live left, and a bunch of games on my system that can only be activated with MY ACCOUNT! Your useless advice does me no good, and if I get nothing for the next two months, expect to pay me back a fair sum. 
Am I pissed off? No, I'm frustrated. The last piece of advice I got was to free up enough space to get 10 GBs. Thanks for the worthless fucking advice asshole, now I lost a ton of data, that I cannot get back until I have my god damn account back. Specifically, that's data that just about worth 70 dollars. I know I should be pissed off about this, but if this whole situation can be aided, then I have no reason to be angry. 
I will be angry if they tell me there is no way to get the account back, and they do not reimburse people in these cases. Angry is an understatement, I will flip the fuck out and call for a legal course of action. 
Consider this an update, officially beginning now... 

Further developments

Lost a ton of data, lost value, and I'm beginning to lose my temper. Microsoft has been absolutely useless, if not detrimental in this problem. And I miss playing online with friends... okay so that last part isn't true because I have not many friends. But darn it, I'm tired of these "solutions" that only make everything worse.

Thanks for deleating my account Xbox. I appreciate it.

I don't even know how this was physically possible, but it happened. Last night after a great night of playing Dragon Age: Origins, 4-5 hours after starting the game and quite enjoying my character, something weird happened. I turned off the console and went to bed... oh wait no, that wasn't the weird part, although it was slightly against my daily routine. No, the weird part is that when I turned it on this morning, my account was gone. Literally gone, in less than 12 hours my account disappeared from my hard drive. I thought that this was not possible, but it could be fixed, the remedy is right there and all my save files are still all there. No harm, no foul. Right? RIGHT?!? Wrong. 
It seems as if my account is nowhere to be found, according to my hard drive. After countless attempts of recovering my account, it will not come back. It's gone, it won't come back. It just left for some reason, and it won't come back. I'm not freaking out or anything, luckily (and this shouldn't be said about anything else) I've been quite emotionally numb for the past few days and I'm not that pissed off. Frustrated yes, but not angry. I'm going to have to contact support on this one. But I'm afraid this might be an indefinite and unwanted suspension from my account (And therefore the 2 months I had left for Xbox Live). Something most people would call "Fucking bullshit". 
I feel like I've been dumped by my friends, a feeling I've gone through countless times. Although on a purely metaphorical meaning, not entirely literal, I'm dabbling on some small existential crisis at the moment so don't take every bit of hyperbole at a direct explicit meaning. So here's hoping I'll be able to continue my campaign, the last thing I want to do is to start anew... for so many games. Ugh. 
Waiting for support is such crap. 


Wait, did I say developments? I meant no progress whatsoever. Just got off the phone after 21 minutes, of going through the process of fixing the problem. What did it fix exactly? Nothing, actually it was made worse because now I've got a ton of data that has now been deleted from my hard drive, that I could have used. Which is really stupid. But whatever, I'm still calm. 
At this point there is only one possibility. The hard drive is in the process of dying right in front of me, and it took my account hostage and shot it in the head. Which sucks. There's pretty much only one thing I can do at this point.
Get a new hard drive... I mean what the hell? Not my fault this thing broke on me! Why should I go out and BUY something expensive and new because one of THEIR pieces of equipment broke down on me? It makes no sense. I know I can get one of those memory units that are a hell lot cheaper, but that still means I've got a busted hard drive with one account missing and a high chance of deleting the two other accounts that are registered. No offense to the guy that I was talking with, because he had to deal with a crappy and incredibly unrealistic situation, but perhaps you should have taken that part into consideration. I know you have a ton of work to do (Who knows?) but I was typing this, trying to fix the console, and on the phone and the same time. I got that it isn't the best of ideas immediately.
NATURALLY this all happens the day after I buy Dragon Age. I need a drink... You know I could play Dragon Age with the extra account, but I don't feel like it all of a sudden. Consistent bullshit like this on a daily basis like this probably isn't good for my mental status, and I'm sure Dragon Age won't help it.

Merry Christmas everyone, fun times should be had by all (Update)

Or whatever you celebrate. It doesn't matter, this week shall be a great week for all. Okay, forget that I'm slipping in and out of depression and mania every once in a while, even exhibiting signs of paranoia (As usual by the end of the semester), because this sort of thing always ends by the 25th. Christmas may be the time for some people to drink themselves to death, but I don't drink and I've got many things to be thankful for. Plus my whole extended family shall be getting together as we do every year, and the turkey... let's just say it is quite the bird.
This week I shall be busy playing Dragon Age: Origins (eventually), I still have no idea how I'll be playing it though, I'll have to see. My laptop hasn't blown up yet, I'm shocked considering the fan literally does not activate anymore (Thank you Power Saver). I will be going to PAX this year, I still have to plan for a bit more things though, but it is certain (Unlike last year). What else can I mention? Umm... oh yes, I picked up Rainbow Six Vegas 2 recently at an awesome price, any co-op fun to be had can begin with a simple request. Hmm, I suck at updates. 
Speaking of PAX, I have no idea what I'm going to do when I get in city. If someone can help me with that, it would be much appreciated. And now for your moment of zen (A classic moment)

'Twas a great year for protest signs
'Twas a great year for protest signs
This has been Snipzor, signing off. Not, from Giantbomb, I mean from this blog. You know gosh darn well what I mean.

Wait, Christmas is in 8 days? Oops...

Another year, another Christmas, but also another year in which I completely forget to do the shopping. As in by this time, I think "Oh shhhh... I forgot to get the shopping done, my friends are going to be pissed off". Then I realize "Wait, I don't have any friends, or perma-friends", which is great until you realize the problem of not have friends. Then is kinda sucks. But another year of not shopping. At this point, I've cared so little, I have nothing to get for Christmas. There are no games that I want, I'm barely eying three books, and I've still got no reason to get a PS3... I'd love a larger hard drive for my Xbox 360.
Essentially, I'm getting an awesome leather coat, and gloves with that. That's about it. I hate this time of year. 
Giantbombers who happen to stumble violently in this direction, accidentally of course, give me some suggestions. I have a suggestion for Giantbomb though, we need our very own Gorgor. Seriously, we need someone to shock and horrify the poor folks of this great community. We are in severe need of those posters.


Update: ClimateGate officially not a gate/Other stuff

No shit 
I'm essentially using this time to update real things that need updating. Things that are going on with my life, which may or may not exist according to your understanding of how the internet works, and things that are just happening like this:
-1) Electric Light Orchestra is awesome. Therefore the belief that the 1960's-1980's were the best time for music, and making any and every "Top 10 songs of the decade" that had been made this year, completely redundant because none of it can achieve the greatness that is the 1970's progressive rock movement. Sorry davisfleetwood, the newly created list you've made is both completely redundant, and filled with bad music. Yeah yeah, personal opinion and all that garbage. 
-2) Love and romance are the two worst human trends of all time. Yes, the saga of insanity and angst continues as I spiral downward into a hellish state of mind in which I am nothing but an angry, self-loathing, isolated... oh wait, I'm already past that point. Well, the state of mind that I had with me in high school. Which frankly, wasn't exactly the easiest thing to describe. Each day that goes by honestly becomes worse than the last, and for something that probably would end up in failure anyways. But upon further review, the feelings I have are great, even though it might get me to an emotional status I don't want to be in.
-3) Ikaruga is still a total bitch to play, but is still completely awesome at the same time. AgentJ will fill you in on the details, or not. I'll just say that the third level is still incredibly difficult to get past. Damn, the second level is incredibly hard to get past.
  -4) Climate Change Science just got a hell lot cooler. I cannot stress this enough, watch his videos to gain some knowledge. God knows boring ass science videos will only make you fall asleep in a matter of seconds. Unless Carl Sagan made the video, then you would have it in your bookshelf ready for repeat viewing. It's as good as a book.  
-5) Finished the GTA IV saga, and I do quite enjoy how they tie things up perfectly. For the record, I like Luis but I don't like the amount of sex he had in the game. He clearly has some priority issues, I mean what person would get a blowjob when fully aware that it would lead him into a situation that would get him killed? Luis that's who... then again considering all men look at porn, I would bet that all men would probably gladly get a blowjob and forget about the possibilities of dying in the process. Some people are far too obsessed with carnal pleasures. I must be ignorant.
-6) Suicrat has removed himself from posting for the time being, I'll miss him. I miss BoG as well. I'm far too sentimental for people I don't even know, so perhaps I should tone it down a bit.
That's about all I can think of. This has been Snipzor, going to sleep. Perhaps the writing process would have been much better if I haven't fallen asleep at the keyboard three times. Goodnight.

CZAR WARS!/You can't call yourself libertarian unless you are one

Unfortunately the American Libertarian movement has been absorbed by a bunch of conservative activists who hate the government (Unless they are the government), which is a shame. Nothing sucks more than a party being taken over by unwelcome guests. Imagine if you were in a nightclub, and it was a private party. All your friends were there, and nobody from the street was allowed in unless they were with the party. Then imagine when the asshole party organizer decides it appropriate to let in all the people in the street for a fee so he can make money. The party is overrun by a bunch of soon to be drunk losers who find that dancing incoherently to some really bad music is the coolest thing since Absinthe. That's what has happened unfortunately with the libertarian movement... and my prom afterparty (To which I had a feeling would spiral into mediocrity quickly, I shouldn't have gone in retrospect). You get a bunch of losers like Lee Doren pretending they represent libertarian ideology, and an asshole in the same class as you who you want to beat the crap out of but don't because you're a pacifist.
Well now you have Big Government, a right-wing blog started by Andrew Breitbart, in order to combat HuffingtonPost and DailyKos. Good luck with that. Considering that the blog market is already far too saturated with places like World Net Daily, Free Republic, TownHall (Which used to be okay) and Newsbusters, I sincerely doubt that it will rise to the same level as Madame HuffingtonPost's blog. Essentially, you wonder why Little Green Footballs, Andrew Sullivan and the former publisher of Townhall left the right-wing blogosphere*. 
Currently Breitbart has a plan to release a bunch of websites for the right-wing fashion designer, the right-wing queer, the right-wing jew, and the right-wing scientist. Okay, not necessarily, I mean if you had to create a right-wing gay website and a right-wing fashion website, you've wasted a ton of money there. Just make them both one *slap*. Sorry that was unnecessary, I'll work harder on my jokes. But he's already got a bunch of websites planned for 2010. The list is below: 
-Big Education 
-Big Tolerance 
-Big Jerusalem
-Big Peace     
*Cough cough, snort, laugh* 
Gee, I wonder if the headline writer for Big Tolerance will be Jim Hoft? Oh, and writer for Big Peace, John Bolton? Or Big Education, John Stossel? Give me a break, you want a prime example of 1984 language, look at the names of the websites. "Ha Fucking Ha" as comedian Louis CK said. But anyways, you get the point. The people Breitbart is going to hire aren't necessarily going to fit the job description perfectly. It is predicted, just look at what he did with Big Hollywood (A massive flaming pile of poop devoted to whining about one person). There's no doubt that these doublespeak websites will contain the worst opinions on the subjects of peace, education, tolerance, and the Israel/Palestine conflict (Mainly because a majority of Israelis both disagree with their current PM, and prefer Obama's diplomatic approach, excusing the current war of course). 
On to the topic at hand. 
!!!!!!!CZAR WARS!!!!!!!
Well colour me surprised, I thought that the whole Czar thing was over by now. Silly me, how dare I doubt the mass stupidity from the freepers and barters. Since ClimateGate has been revealed to be a steaming pile of bullshit (As predicted) and getting angry at random things Obama does isn't helping anything, they've gone back to the Czars. Specifically that delightful Kevin Jennings. You know why I liked Jim Hoft above? Because of all the articles he has written. Just look at the last six. 
Yup, all about fisting... I mean Fistgate. In case you didn't know, Fistgate is another bullshit right-wing controversy smear in which they claimed Jennings had promoted fisting to a 14 year old at an assembly of sorts. Nevermind that Jennings wasn't even there when a 14 year old asked what fisting was, that faggot has got to go. Or so says Grassroots Nation, who has started a petition to get the homo out of the White House. 
Well I've got to ask a few questions, the first being the most important. Is it just me, or is Jim Hoft a little bit butthurt over this fisting thing? I mean, that's all he has written about for a while, makes me wonder if someone stuck their hand up his ass to put some sand in there. Something is clearly up, because I don't think about fisting as much as he does, in fact, it hasn't crossed my mind ever. He seems a little bit obsessed with it. 
Second real question is a thought provoking one. When you were 14, did you have sex ed classes? You have no need to answer it, because we all know the answer. OF COURSE!!! Although I never had a sex ed class, I have no idea how that happened. But I swear that these anti-sex ed people pretend that 14 year olds don't know about sex. I mean, haven't they gone through puberty? Give me a break! Of course they know, what are they trying to accomplish?! 
/That's a question that I've already answered in the last edition of Czar Wars 
//This has been Snipzor, and I should study for my Macro exam 


Richard Cohen and the church of Freudian Psychoanalysis

Oh Richard, I want to hate you but I can't, I want to hate you but I can't. You were stuck in this world with doubts, bad history and the Unification Church right outside your doorstep to focus that into hatred of thineself. I want to blame you for what's going on, but I can't... actually I can and gladly will. 
Richard A. Cohen is a "self-help conversion therapist". Back in his college days, he underwent Freudian Psychoanalysis to cure himself. Yes, he was one of 'those' types. This was back when Freud's theories were still going around... actually no, it was the late 1970's in which Freud had been mocked and disproved for a good 10 years at that point. So what's the deal? Well, let us not be shocked that people would sell this to people. It's simple, it is a money making machine. 
Freud's psychoanalytical theories were almost 100% sexual. Women had penis envy, gay men are victims of absent fathers and overbearing mothers, people with strange dreams suffer from the Oedipus Complex, I can go on. Wait, did I say almost 100% sexual? I meant 100%. The stuff he said was essentially all printed on lies and opinion (Which he used to launch himself into fame). Unfortunately we still get people who believe him, and unfortunately far too many people within the scientific community who believe him (But lack the evidence to prove his theories, therefore removing them from the scientific community). Going back to the main topic. 
Richard A. Cohen isn't a scientist, or a psychologist. It takes zero psychological expertise to do what he is doing and... good god, what is he doing?!    

..okay. That is a little strange. Sure you're cured there buddy? Okay, let's not dance around this any longer. This son of a bitch is a product of the fundies creating enough fear within a person so that they begin to hate what they are to the point where they try to change it. Shit like this causes serious mental illness within a person, who had nothing wrong with them to begin with, and what this bastard does is that it creates more fear within people and more self doubt. The problem here is that this is all anecdotal evidence, and people unfortunately eat that up all the time. "I can do it, so can you!" is essentially killing people. I'm not being hyperbolic here, people have killed themselves because of conversion therapy. It failed for them, and they unfortunately become suicidal due to all of the fears installed within them from the fundies. It makes me sick. 
Rant aside, this is a news blog (On occasion, I'm trying my best to get back on track, it's quite hard though). So what does this have to do with news? Well, recent news? If you've been following international news, even for a split second, Uganda has got quite the interesting legislation going on. Quite interesting indeed, and by interesting, I mean scary and absolutely horrible at the exact same time. A law to kill gay people, and jail people who knew this but never said, and jail those who argue against the law. Without pulling a Godwin, let's say this is simply Stalinist. Now what does this all have to do with each other? Seriously, some asshole in America and Uganda creating a horrific law, the fundamentalist presence in both countries, what does... all... of this... oh. 
Oh indeed. Many legislators within Uganda were inspired by two groups. The Family (A fundamentalist Christian cult for politicians in America, whose sole purpose is to garner as many votes as possible), and Richard Cohen. Seriously, well if you think about it, one group. The fundamentalist presence within both of these countries pretty much did it. 
Stay classy fundies, thanks for getting people killed so that you can maintain power within politics. I would like to propose a new tax, yes, one that would tax multi million dollar church institutions. I know, the gesture is meaningless. The "progressives" in politics won't do it because they're cowards, and the Christians won't do it because it taxes the institution that got them there... I mean the religion they believe in. What strange times we live in folks. 
This has been Snipzor, goodnight and good luck. Although I am fully aware it is noon, it's night somewhere on this bloody planet. Good day. 
/And this is Rachel Maddow talking about this in a more humourous fashion, in much less time.

Technically I should be dead right now/Incoherent rant on suicide

And why not? I'm a screw up, I've never done anything right with my life, a ton of people think I'm psychotic and insane, even more hate my guts. I'm included in that list. I hate myself, and such a thing is a recipe for disaster. But what's the deal?! I've hated myself for over 10 years, since childhood I would always have psychotic visions and dreams of killing myself. If you can think of a way of suicide, I would have contemplated it. Yes, I'm suicidal, but if I'm so suicidal, then why am I still here? 
'Cause I'm a coward. In many respects, it is quite funny. My self-hatred is fueled by myself. Think of it as a cycle, I hate myself, I'm suicidal, I become a coward and wimp out of doing anything during these periods, I hate myself more. Continue the cycle, although if you did, you might go insane. Perhaps that is why I have a serious aversion to alcohol. If I cannot handle my liquor, then I would become drunk. A little help from liquid courage would do wonders for some people in the short term. But for me it would only increase the risks of suicide. I'm a bloody wreck. 
I cannot have friends, because I would probably fuck that up somewhere. I cannot drink alcohol for fears that it would kill me. I can't fall in love, because if I were to fuck that up, then I know I would kill myself. I hate myself, which increases my fantasies of suicide. I become angry at people I don't want to be angry at, and therefore separate myself further from society and people. I cannot show my true emotions to people, otherwise they would institutionalize me. I can't take pills, or I would become addicted, and would put myself in more jeopardy. I can't bottle my emotions up, or the breaking point would come to bite me in the ass. Essentially, I'm fucked.
Let's simply say it is a miracle I'm even alive right now. Why do I write this? I need to vent incoherently. I fucked up earlier tonight, and I feel as if I'm going to go through hell for the next 72 hours. Anyone else go through a similar problem at one point in their lives?


CLIMATEGATE!!! Or how people are intellectually dishonest.

Ah yes, the so called "Climategate". Interesting how every conspiracy is always referred back to the Watergate scandal, even when it is completely unrelated. But back to Climategate. Let's take a look at what it actually is. People pushing it as a conspiracy theory claim that an email between two climate scientists show how they are manipulating data to make the case for global warming more... popular. This is also known as "Sexing Up The Data". 
How is it that the people pushing this as a conspiracy are intellectually dishonest? Good question, if we take a look at what is going on, we'll have multiple reasons. 
1) The email was retrieved by means of hacking. Now in the movies, hacking is typing really fast. This is wrong, because Hollywood is always wrong unless they actually pay for researchers to come up with the actual facts. Irrelevant, we are talking about hacked files, time to go back. Anyways, if you consider what was done, you'll realize that this is incredibly intellectually dishonest. Because you take one email out of... oh I don't know. What's the number Dave? 
-It would be about 160,000,000 Bytes of data Mr Snipzor.
Thank you Dave. As you can see, one small email out of 160,000,000 bytes is clearly bullshit. Because the email itself has no data, it has no frame of reference. It is bullshit. This is intellectual dishonesty because it is looking for statements (Rather than cold hard throbbing data) to disprove something. In the field of science, data is what is important, not statements without actual facts. Oh yea, Dave shall be relaying data from writings to me to you. It is still unclear if Dave actually exists, I will need to look into that. Or better yet, get Dave on that... 
2) Read the email, go on read it. It's below. 

From: Phil Jones
To: ray bradley ,mann@[snipped], mhughes@
Subject: Diagram for WMO Statement
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 13:31:15 +0000
Cc: k.briffa@[snipped],t.osborn@[snipped]
Dear Ray, Mike and Malcolm,

Once Tim’s got a diagram here we’ll send that either later
today or first thing tomorrow. I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature
trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20
years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd [sic] from1961 for Keith’s to
hide the decline. Mike’s series got the annual land and marine
values while the other two got April-Sept for NH land N of 20N.
The latter two are real for 1999, while the estimate for 1999
for NH combined is +0.44C wrt 61-90. The Global estimate for
1999 with data through Oct is +0.35C cf. 0.57 for 1998.

Thanks for the comments, Ray.

Cheers, Phil  
Do you know what any of this means? I haven't the faintest of clues, but what goes on here, is done in economics. It is done in medicine. It is done in any and every statistical analysis in the universe. Take note of that. Conspiracy theorists and intellectually dishonest pricks who should stick out of science, because they clearly have no understanding of how the world works (Who by the way, is a massive douchebag). 
Gaming update? I haven't actually gamed that much lately, how sad. I guess I've got other things on my mind, like Manic Depression, yea that's something that's been on my mind lately. Wait did I say on my mind? I meant in my mind, because it has come back. Until next time folks, here's hoping I won't accidentally commit suicide. Until then.