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HP laptop fan broke, again.

I don't want to be angry, it's just that this is the third time I've sent in one laptop within a few years. A few years. This time it lasted 6 months, so I'm quite upset. I won't ask for the laptop back, or reparation because I won't know how to keep it alive for longer that 6 months considering the fact. I'll just ask for my hard drive and promptly relay them this message.


Now the only reason I truly mention Charlie Brooker is because of his awesome show you should all check out. It is all available on youtube, if you go to the channel "xthemusic" and then playlists, you'll be able to watch every episode. It's a great show about television, except very damn good and insightful. If you are wondering, I do like to advertise.

Anyways, the show is called "Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe" as well as his spinoff series "Newswipe". Until next time, until next time.