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Im not sure about the new zelda.....

Granted i haven't played the game yet, so i can't make a completely informed decision, however what i do know is that:  
a) i don't like the vidual art style. i feel like its really a step backwards for the franchise. i didn't like the art style of the DS games or wind waker very much either. maybe it was the weird cat eyes that bugged me, but whatever. I guess what i'd prefer is for them to stay with the somewhat darker themes found in majoras mask, ocarina of time, and twilight princess. 
b) A beetle? seriously? you cuoldn't get more creative with the items? And, even if you weren't creative with the items, you could still go back to old zelda mainstays like the hook/clawshot, or go back to its roots and resurect some of the "a link to the past" items.   
c) In recent times, it really seems like the zelda team has been dumbing down the puzzles.  You just need to play spirit tracks or phantom hourglass to know what i mean.  Even twilightprincess felt like it was a step down from the standard.  Bring back the really challenging zelda games please! A fine exmple of a "modern" zelda that was still hard, is Majora's Mask. 
I've been wrong before, but i hope that nintendo puts as much effort into Skyward sword as they do into games like super mario galaxy.....