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Make A Wish

So, I was just watching The Daily Show and the program turns to a discussion on the Supreme Court's ruling on the sale of violent videogames to minors. During the bit, John Stewart played footage of Noob Saibot's now somewhat infamous "Make a Wish" fatality (funny how it always comes back to Bi-Han) and for the first time ever, I felt kind of dirty for liking and playing a game. When you spend most of your time in regards to videogames surrounded by people who love and play them, it's easy to loose perspective. The rationalizations and arguments we make don't hold much weight with people completely out of the loop.  
I'm not saying that I suddenly disagree with the Supreme Court's ruling or that I'm going to get rid of my Mortal Kombat disc, I'm just saying that for a moment I felt a little grimy and I was wondering if any of you had the same/a similar moment.