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If you were to buy 2 games and get 1 free, which games?

Rumor mills are churning at full force over on CAG this last week over the specifics of the seemingly inevitable B2G1 free sale from Toys R Us and other places.  This was a fantastic sale last year, and it should be again this year.  So hit me up.  What would you pick up?  Any oddball titles you missed out the first time?  Or are there some big name releases that you've been holding back on and would pick up in just such a sale?  Inquiring minds want to know.  
I'm thinking I'd like to pick up Dragon Quest IX, Halo Reach, Singularity, Darksiders, and Bayonetta in some capacity this time around.  Now, to maximize the savings you get from a sale, you generally want to pick up three games of a similar value, so of those, Halo Reach is obviously the odd man out, cost wise.  So maybe I'd pick up something like Dead Rising 2 and Metroid: Other M to go with it.  But I'd definitely be more tempted to pick up a few $20-$40 games first.  So my picks would be (based off prices at the moment): 
Dragon Quest IX 
Resonance of Fate 
Uncharted 2 
God of War III



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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

Rumor mills are churning at full force over on CAG this last week over the specifics of the seemingly inevitable B2G1 free sale from Toys R Us and other places.  This was a fantastic sale last year, and it should be again this year.  So hit me up.  What would you pick up?  Any oddball titles you missed out the first time?  Or are there some big name releases that you've been holding back on and would pick up in just such a sale?  Inquiring minds want to know.  
I'm thinking I'd like to pick up Dragon Quest IX, Halo Reach, Singularity, Darksiders, and Bayonetta in some capacity this time around.  Now, to maximize the savings you get from a sale, you generally want to pick up three games of a similar value, so of those, Halo Reach is obviously the odd man out, cost wise.  So maybe I'd pick up something like Dead Rising 2 and Metroid: Other M to go with it.  But I'd definitely be more tempted to pick up a few $20-$40 games first.  So my picks would be (based off prices at the moment): 
Dragon Quest IX 
Resonance of Fate 
Uncharted 2 
God of War III

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Edited By MrRedwine

Too bad I don't have a Toys R Us close, but that sounds like a deal.
UFC 2010
Those are the first ones that come to mind for me.  They should all be $30 - $40 by now and I think they all looked great.

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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw
I ordered my stuff last year online.  Their shipping and handling isn't too bad, but it does add a little bit.
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Edited By seanbooker

Price on Amazon in no way reflects the price at your TRU. I can't really think of three games I still need to play. I would like Halo Reach and Bayonetta but, from my knowledge, I played every other mainstream game. Maybe DQ9 just cause I can't think of anything else?

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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw
Of course it doesn't.  I was just using Amazon because I like their site and I just needed a quick price comparison.
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Edited By Bigandtasty

Not sure what the TRU prices are.
If Bayonetta and Darksiders are $40, I'd say getting those plus DQIX is decent.
For my money, I was thinking of buying two copies of Borderlands GOTY (since that has download codes and not discs) plus Halo Reach. I was also thinking of hoping for some Black Friday sales on those, but those are not always guaranteed (and in the case of FO3 GOTY console versions, it has been extremely stingy with sales and price drops).

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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw
If I didn't already own Borderlands and most of the content, I'd be snapping that sucker up in this sale.  That's a tremendous amount of value and gameplay.  I'm deleting the "Amazon prices" bit after spending a little time researching TRU's prices.  The games seem similar in price, though Amazon does tend to have slightly better prices and a lower shipping cost.  Stil, though, after everything is said and done, even with the shipping price, it's a fantastic deal.
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Edited By Bloodgraiv3

God of War Ghost of Sparta 
Patapon 3 
and Id want Fallout NV for free. 
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Edited By foggel

When would this sale take place? If it's after the release of the following video games, I would choose them. I think already have all the games I want.
Call of Duty
Fallout New Vegas
Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2

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Edited By Video_Game_King

What games are available? All of them? For how long? And do they have that "we charge the two most expensive ones" rule? Anyway, my choices:
Epic Mickey
Epic Yarn
Epic Lufia II

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Edited By animateria

Got  a new copy of Darksiders at Gamestop during their THQ sale event for $20 bucks. It's actually really good... It's totally Zelda (and a sprinkle of Portal) but I don't see how that can be a bad thing (Not at less than full price anyways).
And Uncharted 2 is pretty fucking amazing! Not a fan of the last boss fight but otherwise it's one of the best games to come out of any console.
GoW3 I'm probably going to buy at some point. (Since I played the other two), but I think it's just more GoW.
DQ9 is on my to buy list as well, mostly because I like getting new equipment. But it's just straight up old school JRPG, if I want that I got Etrian Odyssey 3 higher up on the list.
Watched and finished Singularity Let's Play by Helloween4545, it just seems like a competent shooter but nothing particularly special.
Resonance of Fate? Well, I think it's the Dark Horse JRPG of the Year... It's different than any JRPG or WRPG out there. But it definitely throws you out in the ocean and expects you to learn the deeper mechanics on your own (Tutorial in the Arena is good at least). I bought it instead of FF13 because it doesn't hand hold at all. It's also true that I got that whole Monster Hunter, Demon's Souls, Etrian Odyssey mentality going so it fit my bill perfectly (If you need deep stories well... It's not really there).

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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

To answer questions about the sale first, it's supposedly going to take place October 10th-16th.  This is according to numerous people over on, which means it may not be totally accurate - but this sale has occured around this time the last two or three years, so I'm betting it's reliable.  As to how the sale works, it will charge you for the two most expensive games and make the cheapest free, meaning if you plan to order six or more games, you'll want to make damn sure to group like-priced games with each other to maximize the value of the games you're getting.  Essentially, you don't want to wind up paying for two $60 games only to blow the free game on a $20 one. 
As to what games will be available, it will be entirely up to TRU's in-store and online availability of games released PRIOR to the event.  This usually does not include games released that week, meaning I highly doubt Fallout New Vegas will be eligible.  Hoping I'm wrong there, but I don't think I am.  I would check the availability of the games you wish to purchase in the day or two before the sale in order to make sure they can be shipped or purchased in-store. 
One thing to keep in mind too is that Amazon generally runs a similar deal around this time too, though their sales usually come in late October or November, and they'll have sales all the way up to Christmas.  So it might be a smart move to hold off on newer purchases to see if any drop to a $35 price range, which is definitely pretty common during holiday sales. 
Phew.  Now on to the specifics of your posts. 
Foggel and Video Game King - I'm almost positive none of those games will be a part of the sale.  However, I could be wrong, so keep your eyes peeled.  I'll throw you a line if I hear they are available as part of the deal. 
Animateria - You were the one who has actually convinced me to take a gander at Resonance of Fate.  It's just a matter of whether it'll be available and at what cost.  I think I might actually end up holding off on this one and Reach until November/December to see if they come on sale.  Can't hurt to wait a while.  But I'm definitely looking forward to playing it.  And I completely forgot Monster Hunter Tri - shit, gonna have to think about that one.
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Ohh I love Buy 2 Get 1 free deals! I did that with Demon's Souls, Brutal Legend... and... I think Motorstorm Pacific Rift. I'm not too sure on that one.    
Anyway, I would have to choose Darksiders, God of War III, and Resonance of Fate. I REALLY want to play Darksiders. The demo was fantastic, just never got around to buying it.

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Edited By SethPhotopoulos

Uncharted 2 and God of War. 
Use the last one with any game you want.

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Edited By RenegadeSaint

The first group of three sounds like a nice idea.