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SparkyB's Marvel Snap favorite decks

I think by now it's safe to say Marvel Snap is going to be one of my most obsessed-over games of the year. I'm not usually into deck builders or lane-based games, but for whatever reason, I'm both wildly entertained and actually pretty okay at Snappin'. I think it's mostly that you can build and play a viable deck from the get-go throughout the game's highest tiers that really appeals to me. Sure, you can buy the season pass and get another card, but at no point do you have to pay to win.

With that said, I should note before we get into my favorite decks that I did pony up for the Black Panther season pass, both because BP + Odin is a killer combo, but also because by that point, I put so many hours into the game that I wanted to support the devs. I've also put collector points into buying Green Goblin and a couple other characters, but I don't think you can actually pay real money for collector points. I could be wrong about that but you get them slowly through seasonal unlocks, so there's no need to buy them anyways.

I've organized these lists into my deck, and in parentheses, I'll note some suggested variations I've used on certain characters. As with any game of this nature, what you're really looking for is natural synergies, or at least a balance of abilities. I don't like destroyer or decks with a lot of movers, because those are largely the same decks over and over again with only minor variations. Instead, I like quirkier decks built to deal with a variety of situations, but these do have their weaknesses and are NOT guaranteed to make you some stud player. Even more important than your deck is anticipating what your opponent is going to play and where. That's most the fun of Snap for me. I have a collector level of 900, and the highest I've ranked in a season is 58 (so close to sixty it hurt).

And keep in mind too that how you want to play is generally going to do okay for you. If you're like me, you'll accumulate a lot of losses before you find a rhythm, but even that is fun.

Deck One - The All Arounder



Forge (Okoye)




Mr. Fantastic


Iron Man (Spider-Woman, White Tiger, and if you have Wong, definitely swap IM out for him here)

Black Panther (See above, also maybe consider Thing if you need power earlier)



My All-Arounder deck is consistently my best performer. It's an odd deck - you very rarely see Forge or Mr. Fantastic being used by players above level 30 or so. There's a reason I keep Mr. Fantastic in the mix, though, and it's the same reason you'll see Nightcrawler in just about every deck I build. Sometimes you will get a location where you can't play cards, and both are great for that situation. I can't tell you the number of victories I've eked out thanks to Mr. Fantastic throwing a simple couple points into a location the other player can't reach.

Now Forge is kind of a personal preference for this deck simply because it's a guaranteed boost to characters I already know I'm going to play, whereas with Okoye, it's kind of debatable whether or not I'll actually use the boost she can give me. Rhino is in the mix to counter bad locations, and is also super handy against certain cards like Storm, although that's such a rarity I wouldn't put him in your deck for that sole reason. It's also sometimes fun just to be a nice guy and bust another player out of a situation like "You can only play one card here!" locations where they've already placed a card. Could you take advantage of that situation? Of course. Could you also play Rhino there and surprise them? Yes. I'm out to have fun here, not win every game.

On the flip side of that, Armor being in there is GREAT to lay down on a destroyer deck. Plus, it helps protect Sunspot, who's great to have around in any deck if you need to fill a chink with a few points, or have a deck with an obvious blank spot in power (a lot of mine eschew four-power cards, as this deck does).

The big three you're hoping for in this deck, and ones you'll want to put into the same location if you can, are Ironheart, Black Panther, and Odin. Black Panther + Odin gives you a ton of power., as Odin will double any On Reveal cards in that location, and Black Panther doubles his own power with his On Reveal ability There are decks that will have more potential power, but when you're throwing Ironheart into that mix, especially after she's already boosted your other characters once, it gives your other lanes a nice potential boost in power too, and can spell the easy victory for you more times than not.

The big problem with the deck is Iron Man and Fantastic, even if I praised Fantastic above. Odin doesn't double ongoing effects, but I like having Iron Man in the mix if I can't draw an Odin or if I'm going up against some super deck with, say, Wong (who I don't have) and Odin or a Moon Girl/Devil Dinosaur deck. If you have Wong, get him in this deck immediately, as you should with any deck centered around Odin and On Reveal cards. Wong will double all On Reveal abilities at that location, which DOUBLES Odin's effects. It's OP as hell.

Deck Two - I'm Feeling Like a Dick Deck





Green Goblin (Scorpion, Cosmo, Punisher, Captain America)




Black Panther (Shang-Chi, Polaris, Killmonger - if you go Killmonger, maybe swap out Lizard for Power)



This deck is a nice blend of potential power with a lot of cards that'll harass and annoy your opponent. That said, it's a deck that mid-tier opponents are going to see coming a mile away.

The goal here is much the same as that first deck, but this time, you want to align Odin with Ironheart and Black Panther. Note that I didn't say Spider-Woman. She's your ace for another lane, along with that Green Goblin. Green switches sides and gives your opponent a nasty -3 card that can royally screw up their plans - if they don't drop an Odin on it later. What I like to do is play possum with one lane, filling it with Iceman, Nightcrawler adn either Elektra if they've got a one-power card in the open or Lizard if they don't. Then, when your opponent has a couple cards in that lane to secure it, drop that Green on them and quickly fill up the rest of your spots. If you can slide Spider-Woman in there, even better. That'll slap a big -7 on their cards in that lane, and while your power will be weak, hopefully you'll have that Ironheart/Odin combo to help boost your numbers.

That's a lot of what-ifs for a deck, and that's the biggest problem with this one. Still, when it works, it's a joy. I've included variations for Black Panther and Gren since those cards are relatively rare in the early game.

Odin Rex







Nakia (Captain America, Punisher)

Moon Girl

Iron Man (Spider-Woman, Black Panther, any)

White Tiger

Devil Dinosaur


This is a great cover-your-bases deck with two core combos, not something I use a lot in my deck. These combos are Ironheart/White Tiger/Odin and Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. If you can hit either one of those combos, you're gravy.

The early game, you want to focus on Sunspot or Okoye, Nakia, and Ironheart to bolster your numbers. If you have Sunspot and Amror, great, don't worry too much about using your two power cards. Sunspot will dominate a lane long enough for you to bust out one of those two combos above, which is when your real strategy will emerge. Moon Girl doubles the cards in your hand, which in turn bolsters Devil Dinosaur's numbers. And if she can get TWO Devil Dinosaur's, that's a rough hand to beat for your opponent. Meanwhile, you've got Odin, White Tiger, and Ironheart in the wings if that combo isn't available.

Iron Man is pretty dispensable in this deck, and it's the one I change the most, sometimes going with Cap, sometimes Punisher, sometimes Black Panther or Spider-Woman. I like Nakia in there for this one because you're having to rely on a lot of lower tier cards and they need that boost, but you do you, she's pretty disposable too.

The problem with this deck isn't actually your opponent, but bad locations. There are a number of locations that will limit the number of cards in your hand, and that wrecks the Moon Girl/Devil Dinosaur combination, as well as limiting your options with Odin. So, time and a place with this one.

And that's it!

Share your own favorite decks below. Anything I'm doing wrong, write it out in a nice, long reply, go get a glass of water, drink it, and then come back and delete that shit or unplug your keyboard and throw it out the window because I don't care. I'm not into min-maxing games or trying to have the uber-decks. I like decks that I want to have fun with, and these are fun.


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