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Alone. Again.

Over the past few days I have come to hate ODST Firefight. The name bore a sense of joy to me before. But now, all it reminds me of is heart ache and sore fingers (kinda like my ex-girlfriend, but that's a different story...). This story starts with me asking my friend if he wants to help me get some of the last firefight achievements I need. 
An hour later on Lost platoon - a map he says he made it all the way to 400,000 on with Legendary - him and his nub friend had gotten themselves killed enough to end the game. Onto Last Exit. And hour into that - an hour of them leaving to make a sandwich and eat said sandwich while I covered their asses - they said they had to leave for the night. NOOOO! Damn you firefight and your game ending quitting!! 
Deflated, but determined to get at least one achievement, I decided "F**k it, I'll do it myself". That's also what I ended up saying at night during my relationship with my ex, but again, that's a different story... 
Knowing that I couldn't handle all skulls on Normal, I opted for the much easier, but obviously longer, route of playing on Easy. An hour in and I only had 40K. I nearly quit then and there, but I thought I might have a chance to get the achievement. Luckily I didn't because I made it. It did take me nearly 3 hours to do, but I made it. My last kill was a stick on a brute chieftain. I stuck around for the bonus round (which happened to be the next stage by chance) and then left. 
It was pretty enjoyable, but not too challenging. I simply jumped in a ghost for most of the game (ahem, 400+ splatters!), kept my pistol handy if I wanted to deck some grunts, and retreated into the main building when I was too swamped with drones during the Black Eye stretches of the levels. Got pretty darn good at it by the end. I probably could've kept going for another 100K if I'd tried, but after 3 hours of the same stupid Covenant, it was time to escape... 
Will I do it again. Probably not. Two days left before In return the game and I don't fancy spending half of them in Firefight for 30 more gamerscore...