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Gamers Choices'

September rolls around once a year, with it comes what is commonly known as the gaming season. Three months where the release calendar is full and pretty exciting. No matter what console you own, as long as you’re in to gaming these next months can be a pretty busy time.

Personally I am a 360 gamer as many of you know; I love anything RPG orientated and love to find a new game I can get my teeth in to. Unfortunately more often than not the games of today fall short of what we expect, with less than adequate concentration on the main three vitals of a game (Story, Graphics and Game play) Manufacturers often concentrate on the one and leave the others in a dismal state.

In the RPG orientation I was finally bugged in to picking up 'Lost Odyssey' a game I had never got around to playing and not really ever considered. Coming in 4 discs the game boasts great visuals and some stunning cut scenes. The graphics are great, the cut scenes are great and plentiful (Which is something I enjoy) and the game play seems solid if somewhat unoriginal. Think Final Fantasy 10, with new characters and story with better graphics and that is all we have. Now that’s not necessarily a bad thing, I loved playing FFX; the combat system was great and made this my favourite of the Final Fantasy series.

The mini-games on ‘Lost Odyssey’ often seem somewhat pointless although they do help to break up the flow a little. Also on a nice note there is a ‘Thousand Years of Dreams’ section, using your main character you must discover memories from the past forgotten by the passage of time. Memories come in the form of short stories and are an interesting twist and add an extra depth and understanding to characters. I am currently on disc 2 with around 20 hours game play, predictions have me finishing somewhere in the 45-50 hour mark so a solid game that could take longer should I stop along the way to get more.

Overall score: 7

Now on to the rest of the year, my favourite part!

A few games I am looking at and am pretty sure to pick up, although I try to spread each purchase out to allow a decent play time some get purchased within days of each other...

In no real order I am going to start with the one fresh in my mind,

1.Star Wars: Force Unleashed
2.Far Cry 2
3.Fallout 3
4.Infinite Undiscovery
5.Fable 2
6.Gears OF War 2
7.Alan Wake (Should it ever be released)
8.Mercenaries 2
9.Call of Duty: World at War
10.Spider Man Web of Shadows

There are a few missing from that lists, but those come from the top of my head. Usually what I do is buy an RPG, put a load of time in to getting most of it done and then to have a break from solid play I would buy something a little easier going.

Currently Guitar Hero 3 is sucking up a lot of my time when I am not playing ‘Lost Odyssey’. Never really had much time for this when I first picked it up but is fast becoming a great stress reliever when I get home from work, I even have my girlfriend playing a few Co-op games with me!

Anyways, Drop me a line anytime. My gamer tag is Casey Hale. Comments always appreciated