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I just made one of the biggest mistakes of my life......

I just bought Twilight. No, not the awesome song "Twilight" by the Electric Light Orchestra; the damn novel.

I'm afraid I might have just lost all of my credibility by saying that, but you can all rest easy knowing that it wasn't by choice.

You see, my mentor, Mr. Kevin Lucia (who is a fantastic author, you should check out his blog here ) has had nothing but good things to say about it. It is important to note that Mr. Lucia gets away with reading Twilight because he's a) an English teacher and b) a book reviewer/writer. I, however, fit into neither of those categories (MAYBE reviewer/writer, on a good day), and from the way Alex Navarro described it on the 11/25/2008 edition of the Bombcast, I was pretty sure I wasn't gonna like it all that much.

But Mr. Lucia pulled the "you're-not-a-truly-good-writer-if-you-don't-expand-your-horizons" card, and told me that I couldn't say anything about the book without witnessing it firsthand. It was hearsay, and being a member of the Mock Trial team at my school, I know how bad hearsay can be. He told me to buy the book and THEN give my opinion on it.

I'm maybe four pages in, and at this point I can say the following: it's not garbage yet (but I'm sure that's to come shortly), but it most certainly isn't great, either.

Updates to come.