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What can be done with Relgion and Top Gun

Alright so you may have noticed that I have officially killed the sour hour with lemon title for my blogs. Some of you don't care, some of your are relieved who cares its just a title right. Party is coming up on friday (will fill you guys in as soon as possible).

So today my class was talking about religion and how ancient Egyptions viewed the universe. After class I felt like watching Bill Maher's documentary "Religilous." (I'm catholic by the way, but in don't discriminate anyone's belief. Yes even athiests)

So it's a short one for today, but I leave you with a movie that relates to the aforementioned topic.


note: didn't feel like spell checking. I'm lazy plus it's the internet so it doesn't matter :)



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Edited By Steve_Ramirez

Alright so you may have noticed that I have officially killed the sour hour with lemon title for my blogs. Some of you don't care, some of your are relieved who cares its just a title right. Party is coming up on friday (will fill you guys in as soon as possible).

So today my class was talking about religion and how ancient Egyptions viewed the universe. After class I felt like watching Bill Maher's documentary "Religilous." (I'm catholic by the way, but in don't discriminate anyone's belief. Yes even athiests)

So it's a short one for today, but I leave you with a movie that relates to the aforementioned topic.


note: didn't feel like spell checking. I'm lazy plus it's the internet so it doesn't matter :)

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Edited By shotaro
Lemon said:
I'm catholic by the way, but in don't discriminate anyone's belief. Yes even athiests
what about us filthy agnostics?

how about Top Gun is crazy, Tom cruise is in Top Gun, Tom Cruise is also a scientologist, therefore scientology=crazy