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Sonnetized! Version 2.0

This one is a continuation of the prior one. Except I created it. No imitation and what not. It IS supposed to imitate the courtly love style sonnets in theme though.

Love, my elusive and malicious light,

Lead me down the barren path to nowhere.

I follow languidly, towards two fair

Embers burning bright through oppressive night.

I approach, they turn, I retreat in fright.

Love, Her eyes sear my flesh and yet I dare

Approach again closer, I watch my flesh tear,

My eyes melt away, yet I retain sight.

Oh devious guide why torture me so?

Embers so bright, I only pray my tears

May sate inferno, ever unyielding.

My flesh turns to ash, I sway to and fro,

Love’s laughter rends my tortured, ragged ears.

Joy I find, in Her smile concealing.