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New Downloads

Yesterday I decided to go get a MS point card and get a few things off the Marketplace. I'll only get them if there's something really worth the money since not every item is worth buying on LIVE. The first thing I downloaded was free and the second was an arcade title which is addictive and some picture packs on the side.

Battlefield: Bad Company (Conquest)

I played this the other night with a friend and I have to say if you don't have this already you should download it now. It came out two days ago and I think I like it better than Gold Rush from the sessions I played. They're both good modes, but your team actually helps you out in this with all the caps. A lot more strategy to it since you're always attacking and defending, just need to know when to do what. Still no one talks so it's better to get some friends in your games to help out.

I'll talk about it real quick it's basically capture the flag but with control points and they're evenly spaced, five in total. Two of them close on your side, two on the enemies and one in the center. DICE used four maps from the full game and opened up different sections so the clas sics feel new and almost completely different. You can win by capturing all five, having the most at the end of the game or taking out all of the enemies tickets (lives/respawns), The experience is intense and will make for a lot of interesting battles on the battlefield.

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2

I think I haven't put this down since I got it, the most addictive game I've played in a long time. The game play is just too much at times especially Sequence, regardless I'm real good at it. If there is such thing as a game that hurts your eyes it's this. There's even more on screen then before and the patterns can get ridiculous. I think it's a great sequel and the amount of content in this plus online co-op just may make this my favourite XBLA title.

Deadline - A three minute game where you try to get as many points as possible.

King - Stay in certain zones to be able to shoot enemies but they go away after a while.

Evolved - The classic game reinvented to be played with all the new additions.

Pacifism - The only way to attack enemies is going through and breaking gates.

- The enemies attack from all directions in waves that sometimes cover the screen.

- Twenty levels of different challenges and you only start with three lives.

Overall great game, worth the 800 spent and some of the achievements are hard. If I had to rate it, about a nine would be right. If anyone else gets this we should play some co-op.