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Modern Warefare 2 is like I drug I want to drop

I am having such an interesting experience with Modern Warefare 2 lately, I don't fully know how to describe it. I enjoyed the first one a lot and sunk a ton of hours (70+) in the multi-player. I have also enjoyed this new one quite a bit and loved the single player. The multi-player is sort of sitting funny with me though and I am not sure exactly how to describe it.  I certainly have played a lot of the game with several 4+ hour sessions, but I am not sure that I exactly have had fun with the game. It is sort of a weird experience to be honest. I keep going back to it, but I am not sure I am really enjoying my time with  it. Perhaps my RPG crawler is coming out where I feel the need to level up and max out the unlocks and achievements.  
I don't know exactly what the cause is either. We all know how the game had its issues at launch and perhaps I was giving it the benefit of the doubt with its troubles, but I almost feel like I have a sensory overload with the game. Everything is in my face all the time. This makes for a fun experience, as such in a blockbuster movie when it comes at you in small chunks, but when the game is throwing it at you in hourly sessions it is like my brain is about to bleed.  Yet again though I keep going back to it day in and day out.  
Is it a great game? Sure it is, but perhaps I am experiencing that old saying where too much of a good thing is bad for you. I almost feel sick to to play the game at this point.