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Started playing No Man's Sky for the first time. Jumped in after hearing about the 1.3 update. Hello Games has made something special.

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#1  Edited By Syphous

I ask because I haven't patched Skyrim to 1.2. After hearing about all the issues I figured it would be best to keep 1.1 and just play with my xbox unplugged from the internet. But it's been about a week since 1.3 came out on PC so I'm guessing it's going to hit 360 at any moment. So I need some nice person to let me know if 1.3 is out yet or not on 360.

Thanks in advance!

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#2  Edited By Syphous

@ZimboDK said:

@Kyreo said:

@Mikewrestler5: @fetchfox: Well hot-damn. How?

Go to the Temple of Mara in.... Markath? and ask the priest.

I believe it's in Riften. Unless there is more than one.

EDIT: I just noticed this has like way more responses than I originally thought, so sorry if you've been corrected a dozen times... but I don't care enough to check.

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#3  Edited By Syphous

@CL60: Thanks again. You've been very helpful man, I appreciate it.

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#4  Edited By Syphous

@CL60: Thank you for all the answers sir. A few more no's than I was hoping for, but still it sounds pretty solid.

I have a few more questions if you (or anyone else) are willing to answer them.

11. Can your created characters be 'leveled' up? I heard in SvR 2011 you have to allocate points right at the time of creation and never again afterwords. Where with 2010 you sort of gain xp and spend it on your state, lite-rpg style.

12. Can you powerbomb someone from the side of the ring down to the ground? This move used to be in the WWE games (at least it was in Here Comes The Pain) but I haven't seen it for a while.

13. Can you download people's created finishers?

14. Is there a co-op/tag-team story mode? (even if it is local play only)

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#5  Edited By Syphous

I usually have a lot of fun with wrestling games (even though I never watch wrestling) and this one looks pretty fun. As clarification the last WWE game I played was Smackdown vs. Raw 2010. So I have a few questions:

1. If I throw someone off a ladder and they are clearly close enough to fall all the way down past the ring and onto the floor, will they do so?

2. If I did the action described above, and there is a table set up right where they land, will the table break?

3. Is there any kind of co-op for online play? Like, could a friend of mine and myself play tornado tag with a couple of NPC's? I'm sure this is possible in local, but I want to be able to do it online.

4. Can I throw someone from the top of the 'Hell in a Cell' cage and have them land on/break the announcer table?

5. Can you take the match backstage like you used to be able to way back when? And I don't mean pick the backstage "arena", I mean actually move the match from the ring to the backstage area by irish-whipping someones ass up there.

6. Can you interact with the crowd in any capacity? Or bring the fight into the stands like you could in previous installments?

7. Is the story creator less ridiculously censored?

8. Please confirm: Create a wrestler (duh), create a move, create an entrance, create an arena, create an entrance video, create a sign, create a stable, and create a story? If yes to all, any I've missed?

9. Can male wrestlers beat on Diva's again? Oh god I hope so.

10. Weapons: Is there more than just table, sledgehammer, chair, bat, and ladder? I likes meh hardcore.

Well, that should do it for now. Thanks to anyone who has the patience to read all these questions and answer them. I know I'm asking a lot here. If 90% of the answers are 'yes' I'm going to backflip all the way to GameStop.

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#6  Edited By Syphous

I'm a little late to this party, but I have the same exact issue. I made the mistake of leaving the tower after I realized something was wrong, then went back inside... which negated all my auto-saves that could have helped me. This is an extreme bummer because my previous save is about 2.5 hours back. I sure hope this upcoming patch helps.

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#7  Edited By Syphous

Looks good, and I hope the speculation about that being an aging Tommy Vercetti is true, because I loved loved LOVED Vice City and would really enjoy the chance to finish Tommy's story. The narration might even be Ray Liotta, but he's gotten that much older now it's kind of hard to tell.

And planes and jets being added is a great bonus too.

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#8  Edited By Syphous

@modeps said:

Washington DC.

The V on the logo looks like money, the first thing I thought of was the federal reserve... in Washington DC.

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#9  Edited By Syphous

Honestly, any time you have a hard time with the bosses in this game just go human and bring some phantoms with you. Yeah you get less souls, but it makes it soooo much easier. Also, I just beat the game a couple hours ago. Woohoo! Go me!

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#10  Edited By Syphous

I was JUST looking this up because I don't have a PS3 and was hoping the 360 version wasn't a terrible phoned-in port. But yeah, most everyone is right, it's almost identical. So... it doesn't really matter.

I am pretty frickin' excited! As I said I don't have a PS3 so I missed the first one, was really happy to hear this one was coming to 360... in 4 days even.