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The Space Adventures With Gay People that Happen to be Black

NOTICE: For now this review will be postponed until a later day as the plans that were planned have been cancelled. 
Hello and welcome to a special movie review, with your host, Fedro Calvrezo. Indeed, for the first time known to myself, I will review a movie. A movie that most people probably have never heard of or seen. A movie titled:  Gayn*ggers from Outer Space (Wiki here: From what I know, this is a Blacksploitation film because currently I have not seen it. I'm just posting this for now because i'm sure i'll forget to review it and I need a reminder. Hopefully it isn't some type of gay porno, I didn't really read the Wiki article.


The Interrogation

Well awhile ago, my friend and I did a couple of videos for no real reason. A couple years later, I found the files on my digital camera and decided to post them on da YouTubes. I decided to call it: The Interrogation. Little did I know, many other people used that as a title, I didn't care otherwise. And awhile after that, at a friend's house, a new character joined in and The Interrogation became a series. A series with crappy over-the-top action, improvised story, awful acting (mostly by me), a very stupid plot and nothing really making any sense. So far it is only in season 1, not sure when we'll be doing season 2, but hey. So without further a due, I present the, The Interrogation. (btw part 1 prob wasn't supposed to be in the series but it seems to work.)

Officer Jenkins - AjayRaz
James Marathon  - TehFedro
The Master  - Towly177
18th Dimension

Just some random thoughts and stuff about TF2

Recently I have been playing TF2 for many reasons. And while doing so, I have been gathering random thoughts and complaints. I also found something weird that has probably been noticed before but i'm gonna mention it anyway. So here we go.
EDIT: If anything I said sounds weird, it's because i'm not good at explaining. 

One of the most recent things is the Engineer Update.  

Had to mspaint.exe this up meself.
Had to mspaint.exe this up meself.
Now I was really excited, no real reason to it, although I believe it's because this made the official all TF2 characters have unlockable weapons (the Sam & Max weapon you could get for the Engie doesn't count, you have to buy the game to even get that weapon). Plus it would be the (shamefully) first update I was apart of. Now the most notable thing (I believe) about the Engineer update was the 100 Golden Wrenches. Not our finest moment. I acted really weird on this part, and I think I made a hypocrite out of myself. But luckily I snapped out of it and stopped trying to get one. So suck on that, goldies.  
Thoughts on the new unlocks:   
 Frontier Justice
 Frontier Justice
 This is the first unlock I got for the Engie. I don't know about everybody but i'm sure this is the first one people got. It's alright I guess, i've only gotten 1 revenge crit and I didn't even kill anyone. I also like the smaller magazine, not sure why. And the taunt is funny if you use it right or ever get pissed. That's about all I got.

 The Wrangler
 The Wrangler
As mentioned before, I have not gotten this weapon yet or any of the other ones so i'll just go by what i've heard and update this later. The idea of controlling your sentry is something I like to hear and since you can control it, you can kill enemies farther than the sentry's range. I wonder how it works, i guess i'll find out when I get one. 
Well I just got the Gunslinger and I must say that punching buildings to upgrade them is damn fun. Although you can't build full sentries anymore it's pretty much the same as having a wrench except you get a health bonus and can't get random crits. I did expect this weapon just to be a glove but I was wrong, his hand actually get's replaced with it. Which i might add that the robot skin for the Engineer works very well with it (Get It Here:
 Southern Hospitality
 Southern Hospitality
The second melee weapon of the Engie. A community made one in fact. Makes the person hit bleed (that's around -5 health for a small time if i'm correct) and you have a 20% fire damage vulnerability to fire. Nothin special. 
EDIT: Well stupid me at whatever in the morning. I completely forgot to mention the moving of buildings, aswell as some other things. When I found the pictures behind the map on the Engineer update page I had a smile (in my mind). I wanted to start moving buildings when I saw a video on the YouTubes, but I don't remember the video. So overall i'm happy they put that in.
Now on to a complaint I have about a certain arsonist. Yes you probably guessed it, I have a problem with the Pyro. Now as you probably know , the Pyro is able to airblast. With this ability he can extinguish burning team members, reflect projectiles from the other team and use it to his/her advantage. I'm perfectly fine with both those things, the reflecting thing can be annoying but it's not much of a big deal to me. Here is where we come up to my complaint, BEING ABLE TO AIRBLAST PEOPLE INTO THE AIR! This little thing gets freaking annoying and it's cheap aswell, sure if you know where to aim it makes it slightly better but usually they kill you before you get the chance to do the same to them. Even if someone on your team does it to another player, it gets annoying if your actually trying to kill him and not piss him (yeah, no him/her) off. Whatever, that's just something I thought i'd mention. 
EDIT: Well there was something else I found out yesterday, something that just... just isn't right. For those of you who don't know, there's a healing item for the Heavy called The Sandvich. Before the Engineer update The Sandvich was able to be eaten (well bitten once) again straight after that said eating. But now you must wait awhile to take a big ol' bite out of The Sandvich. Now i'm pretty much ok with this even if I make a deal out of it but I can say I will miss the Sanvich parties/picnics/watever. Yeah that's all I got.
Time to go on to the weird thing I saw, happened when I was playing as the Medic and lost. 
 nvm the hitler skin, just look at his hand.
 nvm the hitler skin, just look at his hand.
Made me laugh and also 'wtf' as the kids would say these days on their, msn and facebooks. 
So that's about it, seems I suck at writing now, took me a long time to write this. Shut up, school ended like last month. Plus with my possible slight case of ADD. And check out Donwest6969 on twitter. So go on wiht yurself, and have a nice 4:46 in the morning for me. And fuck your timezone.

Alright, let's take it to town!

Alright bitch bags, you don't like me, and I don't like you, so let's make the fence halt. Recently I have been playing alot (yeah fuck a lot, alot is faster to type and easier to say) of games and beating them at the same time! HOLY SHIEEET! And I guess being a non-active member here (also unpopular) makes my duty to review every single damn one of those games. So expect games like, Saints Row 2, Red Faction, Metroid Prime Trilogy and alot more that PEOPLE CAN HANDLE! Depending on how good i review the games, so basically nobody will read it past a few sentences, plus I might make them too long and people wont be bothered, either way, i'm freaking doing them and no one can stop me! (I am wrong of course, but you probably get it)  
 In other news start to be aware that i will review Love Plus, yes, the game that one man married his DS for. Right after i play it and stuff. You may wonder why, but I actually have no idea. It just kinda came to me watching a video of CNN (fucking hell) interviewing the dude. And also keep a heads up for a YouTube  playthrough depending on what content the game has. And no I wont be buying the game, you can guess the rest. Since the game can go on forever, I guess i'll spend maybe a few hours on it and stop, unless I just start not giving a crap about the game really fast. But that is if i can find it, but knowing me, I will. YOU FUCKING BELIEVE IT! 

Oh and i know it isn't in english, but i will manage, i've played mother 3 in japanese and won. Not really something to brag about, but I did

hey guess what 
RIIIIIIDGE RACEEER! yeah it's old, fuck you.


Top 6 BGIPTY of 2009 (Best Games I Played This Year)

      Sup fruit cakes, who aren't reading this, and who are (basically nobody), i'm making a list of games because i barley have no blogs, and i need to copy AjayRaz, plus i have no ideas.  
And yes, not GOTY i mean BGIPTY because i'm so cool i make different things, and copy people.   

Questions and Answers:

Q: Why top 6? 
A: Because i can. 
Q: Why do you need to copy someone better than you? 
A: Because i will then become better, than him. 
Q: Did you get me a Christmas present? 
A: Sure, it's just over a cliff near to you that is higher than 90 feet. 
Q: What happens if you play a better game before the end of the year? 
A: I'll just edit this list. 

On with the show!

Now as you people know, you have no idea who i am, and don't know what types of games i play, well all i can say is i'll play any game as long as i like it.  


 Metroid Prime Trilogy 

No Caption Provided
The last game this year that i actually bought (at least until boxing day) 
Now i'm not the best fan of Metroid only playing one of the games in the series a couple years back, but damn the games kick ass. The Metroid Prime Trilogy for anyone who does not know about it, are all the 3 Metroid Prime games in one box thing. The two first ones were on Gamecube but Nintendo ported it to the Wii and made it use Wii controls, the first one is just the game, but the second one has online (HOLY ACKBAR JIHAR) or was it multiplayer... well whichever one it is i have not tried yet and it has the 3rd one which is just the game. Now i actually have Metroid Prime 3 alone but i guess it's good to have another version just in case the alone one breaks or something. In these said games, you are Samus, and that's basically all i can say because i actually have not beaten the first or second ones due to my PS3 distracting me. In the third one however, you are first sent to some planet to destroy some thing, and stuff happens afterwards (yes very breif, and crappy) The games are just fun, charging your LAYZAWR while owning enemies and all sorts of strange and sometimes really annoying creatures with rockets and suit upgrades you get through the game. There are a variety of sometimes easy and sometimes challenging puzzles, but fun nonetheless. Now if you have no idea what to do, you will be wondering around awhile trying to find the next thing to do, yes this is annoying at times but the games just makes up for it later. These games can be short if you know what you're doing, and are experienced in combat and/or strategy. Now i'm pretty sure this poorly written excuse for a review thing wont interest you, but go check Metriod Prime Trilogy out (if you have a Wii, shut up i don't care about your views on the system) it'll be a better game to you if you like FPS and i assure you, you will be amused or who knows, will be addicted to the game. 


Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story 

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A game for the DS (light, i) that i played non-stop at one of my friend's house for the whole time i was there, and continued at home until i beat it. This game is another one of the 3 game (so far) series, and it impressed me as it did the other 2 games. Fun for the whole time you play it, great storyline, great game play, good music and great artwork. Now the Mario & Luigi series are Action/Adventure/Puzzle games, with a RPG fighting style, which if you have played any game in the FF series might boost up the fun, and to add to it, it is actually a decent comedy game, well it made me laugh at times. In this game, Bowser meets up with a mysterious 'stranger' that offers a mushroom which he says can take care of the Mario Brothers once and for all, Bowser hearing that news purchases the mushroom and eats it without thinking of what problems it could cause, just to finally win against the Mario Bros which foil his plans in basically every game. With reoccurring characters from the previous games, M&L: BIS will leave you laughing (with the right sense of humor) and will teach you somewhat of a lesson what a Koopa's insides look like. 


Red Faction: Guerrilla 

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Personally the first two Red Faction games weren't really that fun, and i quit them fast, but the third one i simply loved. Ever heard of a game where you get to blow shit up and fight against the earth in a battle to claim Mars? I thought so. In this 3rd edition in the Red Faction series, you play as Alec Mason, a miner who is brothers with (i think) the dude from the last game, just sent to mars to what else, mine. When an unfortunate event happens you start working for the Red Faction to claim Mars and rid the planet of the EDF (Earth Defense Force) who wants to make the Mars completely like Earth, but are very corrupt and kill people for just looking at them. But the Red Faction aren't the only ones who want to claim Mars. This game to me kinda has a weak story line and the ending isn't the best, but the game play itself keeps you distracted from that. If you like to shoot people, and blow shit up, this game will be a nice little addition to your destructive personality. 


 *fine there isn't a 3, just saving a spot for some game* 


Fallout 3 

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A game that's not technically mine (it's my friend's), but i have played it around 5 times till the end. This game is so awesome which is why i have played it so many times. Ok i really don't feel like explaining all of the stuff i like about this awesome game but let's just say, Fawkes. 


Saints Row 2 

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Yeah you heard me, Saints Row 2, GTA IV can suck it. Seriously, i just love this game, in fact it could be one of my most favorite games i have ever played. I am having endless fun every time i play this game, even when i beat it. Killing people, robbing people, smashing cars in a derby, pleasuring women, being a cop and alot of other shit that you can do. A huge variety of vehicles, weapons, customizations and unlockables. Just so many god damn things i can't remember. You are the if you can say, protagonist that was blown up on a boat at the ending of the last game, who has just recovered from his coma, you wake up to find yourself in jail, when you break out of jail with the help of an inmate, and find out that the Saints have basically been forgotten, and all the other gangs are roaming around. It's your job to reclaim your city in the name of the Saints. A fun as hell 3rd person shooter, Saints Row 2 is for sure a game that will keep you entertained, especially once you want to use cheats, that just makes the game like 40 times as fun as it already it, for cereal man! For anyone who wants to say this game sucks, i respect your opinion but don't bash me for liking a game that i find the so awesome. And if you do, seriously, go die. In a fire. That i created. 

Too lazy to read my shitty written list? Well stay on this god damn page! 

#6: Metroid Prime Trilogy - Cool suit upgrades, fun killing creatures and LAYZAWRS! 
#5: Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - Great storyline, artwork, game play, puzzles and music.  
#4: Kill people and blow shit up. 
#2: Good story, fun gameplay, good weapons and other stuff. Also Fawkes.
#1: One of the best games i have played, crap load of activities, weapons, customization, vehicles and unlockables. Good storyline, crazy fun with cheats and just awesomeness. Well that is all for my list, at least for this moment. 
If even, i hope it encouraged you to try any of these games (although it isn't the best written list, but i guess if it does then i did a good job) 
So have some nice Christmas joy, yeah you too other ethnic groups, and just enjoy life. 
-Fedro Calverezo


Everything just hates me.

I'm serious here. On my birthday, the new YouTube channel design was forced on me before the change, i guess YouTube thought it would be a great birthday present. And it wasn't. Later around last week, my game glitched on me (not exactly a serious thing but, it was bad) And last Friday, i went on to YouTube to find out that my account got suspended, because i did not hit the ball in baseball, or YouTube just wanted to give me another great present for an early Christmas gift. Although the video that was taken off for copyright infringement and the video only had 2 pictures from google images that i edited to make it look like Drew Pickles having sex with Barney with a censored something long dick and used Speakonia a free text to speech program to do the voices, and was gaining nothing from making the video next to people liking the video and watching it to get me more views. But hey, who am i to say that YouTube will one day pay for that one way or another. Well fine those aren't something for everything to hate me but still, things have been better. 
I guess all i made this for is to say go kill yourself Google you money grabbing bastards i hope you all die from an overdose in suckage by the way i'm still gonna use your stuff because it's awesome i mean i wont because you suck and are sucky. 
- Fedro Calvrezo 
PS: (Credit to AjayRaz for finally using that damn Best Buy gift card.)


Holy Christmas, it's Hanukkah!

Just making a clever title although not clever at all. 
Might as well make a Christmas blog before I completely forget to do one (not that anyone will read this but hey, i'm game.) 
It's the time of year where Christians or at least the people pretending to be Christian celebrate the day Santa was born. Oh right, and his brother Jesus. A great day, where families get together (usually), and everyone gets presents. If you do none of this, chances are, 

You Are an Atheist! 
You Are an Atheist! 
Sorry, I have been watching South Park a lot lately. 
But we all must remember, there are other people who celebrate different holidays on December, and we must respect them. Unless you get drunk on eggnog (if your eggnog contains alcohol) and decide to go on a rampage of singing Mr. Garrison's Merry F*cking Christmas song.
All i'm saying is, 
Merry whateverthehellfriggenholidayyou'recelebrating to all, and to all a good rest of 2009, ya bunch of fruit cakes.  
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