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LSETISMTB Episode Captured Citizen

No I didn't find all this stuff myself. 
No I didn't find all this stuff myself. 
Uhm... Hello! Well some of you saw last weeks edition which was Chicago Randy's time to shine and what he didn't mention is that I asked him to do that as a favour and now I have kidnapped the president of rotten fish. I did promise Chicago Randy I would do him a favour for doing last weeks edition. I assure you Chicago Randy means business and by business, I mean throwing bombs at ants in this cave in California. It's quite the pass time. Past time? Fuck you.

Don't insult fish. Sometimes things are better left unsaid by cheese graders. Have I mentioned them before? Damn right I have. 
Don't insult fish. Sometimes things are better left unsaid by cheese graders. Have I mentioned them before? Damn right I have. 
So when you walk into bars you better believe it's not butter. Clever little Cleavland. Speaking of yard sales, Chicago Randy hates Cleavland apparently, which is where the president of rotten fish lives, at least where he did if I have to be kidnapping him forever if nobody takes his ransom. Oh crap I better do that part or else Chicago Randy will leave his cave, and he doesn't like being stopped from his TF2.

Alright so uh I have the king of rotten fish, oh wait he's the president of fuck who cares same thing. Uhm... Chica- I mean I am offering him back for ten yen, seven-hundred non-rotten fish and a cup of soda, I have a bad taste in my mouth. I better have that by tomorrow or else I'll nipple kangaroo! Where have my hair feet gone? They have betrayed the greflts!

 I don't even fucking know anymore.
 I don't even fucking know anymore.
I'm sorry but when those grass seeds go near those carrots I swear I can't cling 'em off until I grab my hoe and pimp them out. Yeah damn right I'm eating that. Baby carrot catastrophe holy crap i spelled that right the first time I am the best at seplling I'll beat you in a spelling bee!!!!! But bees sting so go ahead and win I don't care. If it isn't quality, it's heaven, if it isn't heaven, why are you in Africa? Cause this is Africa! dod ododo hey hey waka waka shut your pie hole, or the cake one i dunno, lolstolenfromGeorgeCarlin. Well just the asking part and the switch of stuff that's funny I watched that yesterday with the green tiles in my mind. My mind is loaded with fruit stuffs and stuff fruits. Alright that's enough back in the dungeon with ya!

Oh right I forgot about one thing...

It's time to learn to survive the Rapture which has already happened and it's the apocalypse oh my! Oh no oh no we are going to die! UNLESS you follow these tips from Chicago Randy that he has prepared so you will all live even if you don't believe in end of the world theories like Chicago Randy and I do!

Aw shit we're all fucked. 
Aw shit we're all fucked. 
What the hell man Chicago Randy must have sent the wrong picture oh my the meteorites are blasting megaman into megadude and the energy balls oh no the lives are made out of his head oh why is this happening why Chicago Randy. WHAT'S THAT ALL CAPS THE PRESIDENT OF ROTTEN FISH? YOU SHUT YOUR WHOLE YOU'LL NEVER GET OUT, WE'RE ALL DEAD! WE HAVE DIED IT'S DONE, THAT'S IT FUCKER I'M GONNA SHOOT YOU INTO OBLIVION AND YOU'LL HAVE TO WIELD A SWORD TO KILL ME! STOP RIGHT THERE- GAH!

Gah... Dammit... The president of rotten fish got me on the neck... Chicago Randy... I have failed you! Why didn't you tell me he was a fighting kind er president I don't know anymore... Everything is going Chicago Randy dark no that isn't racist i mean I think he is the one... he is the true god we all speak of... believe in Chicago Randy! Chicago Randy is one! Alright sorry I'm pushing my newest religion on people I'm being hypocritical... see you next week... I mean ah I'm dying I must be dead forever goodnight Chicago... Randy...