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LSETISMTB Episode oh Chris

Pearly Whites 
Pearly Whites 
 Yeah so here I am now talking while typing my face is very face and green grass is blue because green is red but not orange. So last week I don't remember because I died but I'm in Chicago Rheaven so everything is fine and I don't have to look out for any Jello copy my rights I have 4 OK 4 that's cool I said 3 though. Number time. Numbers are not the best sometimes the decide to build many hollow wood yards that play football frantically in the right weather of yonder great heli-does. Bathroom before.
I don't even know what a Tesla is. 
I don't even know what a Tesla is. 
 Don't be confused I just pissed bullets of fire. Wasn't bad because Chicago Rheaven. Not much doing so because there are hey I stopped talking the words out lous because I like to forget things during the year to look back later. Oh Chicago Randy what the hell is a lous what did I mean to type I have no idea anymore please help Chicago Randy I accidentally died in Chicago Rheaven! Oh I meant loud sorry Chicago Randy I am sorry you are Chicago Randy. Don't headphones, just greet. You don't like me but I have a nose sunburn because sun dan the sun we must destroy it oh wait I'm in Chicago Rheaven it doesn't matte but it does what is a comma question mark. Also Dam sucks and his pink suit why doesn't he just go die stupid face bastard comedian why don't he just go away I said this already leave me alone. 
Fuck you Dan. 
Fuck you Dan. 
 So don't walk on the street on Tuesdays because grenades roam the landscape of Mars I mean Pluto I mean Mole People capital letters in front. I dunno I think they deserve it but they didn't pay the rent but who cares I'm in Chicago Rheaven why is there fire and red and torture oh right never mind it's just TV yeah we have TV here even though... What the fuck is the king of rotten fish doing here what the fuck is this. Scuse me let me get on break I have to discuss this with Chicago Randy... 
 Alright I discussed this with DA BAWSS, Chicago Randy and it was actually the king of slightly discoloured sea men. No I see nothign wrong with that. Wow I actually went there this is horrible I'm horrible at making jokes haha I am joking I am the best check this one out. 
What's the deal with airline food? 
HHOHOHOHOHO I am so funny look at me a I'm a monkey OH LOOK OVER HERE I AM FUNNY! Oh boy I am the master of jokes What happens when you tree? You Split! BANANAS! Sorry I got distract4ed by some music viedeo thing my friend sent me I forget where I am oh yeah jokes 
What did I say, to the dentist? 
 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am so funny look Chicago Randy is here with a.. Chainsaw? Oh dear I didn't look at the sign that said "no funy joks!@!!" 
 Oh crap he has some type of Holy Mackerel! 
 Oh man now I'm in Randy Chicago, the hell of all. It is the time that I must debark on a tree to be warm and fire my wood. I like burgers where is my hat where did I put tapioca? Where did I think of this from? Ask Dan. Don't look at me like that they told me I was 18. Anyways don't worry about me I'll get out of here and go back to the world also praise Chicago Randy he is key and such even though he sent me here for bad jokes like 
Get it it's backwards! 
Damn I just ruined the bar. I kissed a heart once, only for food, it was my last chance in hell although I'm in here now and I wasn't back then unless the world... 
 I believe it is the end for this road I must go to up and then turn left maybe go right but don't go back down again or else Mole People. Maybe I'll find out they're just people with moles covering their body. With music that is tasteless but all music is tasteless you can't even eat it Chicago Randy dammit. 
One last joke, 
Where are my spaces? 
Good Night, and praise capital letters and of course, Chicago Randy. 
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