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Our Name is Earl: Stairway to Earl Part 3 - Bloodless Towers

Part 1:

Part 2:

Many years have passed since the last ability the 5th division could be reborn. The only one was walking with dirty hair. The water perished from the fifth division and killed many cacti. Sometimes a certain crustacean would appear to him. Crab Man, or as others called him, GolfPRO. Crab Man and Earl set upon the journey of the damned but met many challenges across the desolate desolate moons. Jupiter was not pleased by this, until one too many became the problem, which was it. Earth was to be formed by the forges of Crab Man. "But what will we eat?" said Earl, as he gently walked across the zero gravity current. "It is to be... my son" replied Crab Man. A revelation, to be sure. Will the tea enslave the kettle?

dEmonic men shaLl AppeaR.