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Our Name is Earl: Stairway to Earl Part 4 - Lost in Losing

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

The only thing stopped. It was the end. Not even with the many lost could help the sun. It's too late for Earl. Will he be alive longer? The 5th dimension couldn't help. What a monstrosity. It is as bad as it seems if the fifth dimension cannot win. Crab man is lost... There is no solution. It is the end. The darkness has shrouded over the crowd. They're done here. Wait... what's this? "Hey Earl, I found a cat!" My word, times have changed. The light erases, green begins. It is Randy. Salvation is here, they are saved. "But how Randy, the papers..." screamed Earl. "Don't worry, Cheetos." replied Randy. No not that Randy, Chicago Randy is on break. It is Earl's brother. They are saved. Time sequence initiated.