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Dave Snider sent out a call-to-arms just a bit ago via his Twitter account wanting to know what each of us would like to see in a Whiskey Media subscription service, and the idea sort of blew my mind. I know the community here has been discussing the possibility of such a thing off and on for a while now. I'm still a little iffy on the idea; I've never touched any of that weird give-them-money stuff that IGN and GameSpot have had going on for so long. But I have to throw some consideration Whiskey's way. This company is one of the most fluidly dynamic groups of people I've encountered with any organization within the greater media as a whole, and not just within the games press. They have been doing something genuinely unique over the last couple of years and I completely respect that. It even excites me that Whiskey Media could really take off and start a sort of shift regarding how people deliver and consume information, and it makes me a little nervous that there is still the very real possibility that they could fail.

The first thing I'd like to see from a Whiskey Media subscription service is quite simple: low cost. The problem with charging any site-visiting hobbyist any amount of money for web content is that dude, we're already paying for a lot of crap! We're buying games at $59.99 MSRP. Our internet costs us more every month than our car payments. We're paying for World of Warcraft accounts, Xbox Live service, Netflix, and extraordinarily overpriced AT&T wireless bills just so our iPod and phone can be the same device. Even the rich geeks are poor after all of these expenses, and the majority of us here are in college or high school, or working shit jobs just to get the bills paid. Money sucks, and so I hope whatever Whiskey has planned won't make in suck much harder.

My second pick is a feature I think the lot of us have been clamoring for since Giant Bomb launched. You guys need to get with the program and introduce HD quality to your video player here, and if charging me a modest subscription price every month or three months or year is what finally enables you to do that, then you have my money. It plays on my guilt-strings that I would rather hop over to YouTube and watch stuff like this amazing StarCraft II trailer in 1080p rather than service this site with an extra click. It would also do wonders for the fidelity of features like Quick Looks, where checking out the game is the primary objective of anyone watching.

Third, I'd definitely be interested in subscriber-only video downloads on Whiskey Media's original content. I think it would be all right for the downloaded files to be in SD, because we all know how expensive both streaming and offering direct downloading for HD content would probably be, and that alone might circumvent your subscription-collecting efforts. You might want to throw a brand-related watermark in the bottom-right corner (of the downloaded file only, not the streaming one) so dudes aren't throwing your videos up on YouTube or something.

A fourth feature that springs to mind is that paying subscribers could bypass the 5,000-point moderation barrier on Wiki Edits. This probably fits better with any new website prospects than the current line-up of brands, but I sure as hell don't even have 1,000 points on Comic Vine or Anime Vice. Getting past this limitation might spur more people to pay, and more people to edit pages. Then again, it could also inspire virtual graffiti all over your databases, so obviously this is one that would take require some serious consideration before implementing.

That's all that comes to mind for the time being. I'm anxious to see this company really take off, and I'm willing to lend a hand by whatever means my finances, waking state, or personal schedule (can I send you guys a portfolio and resume!?!?) will allow. Do this right and you've got my support. Do it wrong like, say, IGN of whatever, and you'll probably earn the scrutiny of many more users than just myself. Keep it clean, simple, and fresh, just like all of your sites are, and I'm sure you'll have done a good job. 




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Edited By Mrnitropb

No. But set up a WM store, and I will buy some shit. 
Also, Gianbomb branded energy drinks, yes I'll take a case.

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Edited By zanzibarbreeze
@Gaff said:
"@giantbomb email adress. "
That is a legitimately good idea.
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Edited By themoon13

The Luchazine in print form might be interesting.
I also like the idea of GB emails, though I don't see much use for it.

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Edited By artofwar420

HD is the first thing that came to my mind. About the potential pricing, it should be a yearly thing, that way people don't think see it their bank account every month. 20 dollars a year sounds alright. I don't know, just throwing things out there.

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Edited By erinfizz

I would pay a rather obscene amount of money for a unified inbox with some crazy new features like folders and search. I also think any subscription service should come with a tee shirt and certificate of participation suitable for framing.
I am still kind of confused by the indifference to merch here. I assume part of the issue is that everyone involved in the sites are editors, producers and engineers...there seems to be a lack of admins in the Whiskey office that might handle this sort of thing. But at some level being able to buy a tee shirt or sticker makes the person buying it feel good and like they are more involved if even at a surface level. That seems good, but maybe it's not enough to bother.

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Edited By Mrnitropb
I would buy the shit out of some merch if it helped keep the bar stoked with bourbon. Like a GB logo hoodie, or a "Nothing stops the Endurance Run (mother fucker)..." bumper sticker. Or custom ear buds that had <> on them. Or again, Whiskey Media Energy beverage, I'll buy a gross of that shit Day 1. 
Or shit, didn't the founder of Whiskey media call it that because his family had a distillery? I would buy Giant Bomb Bourbon, with caffeine; Comic Vine Wine, Screened super filter voda, and Tested Cask proof coffee infused Whiskey. Wouldn't you?
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I would be more than happy with a T-Shirt and HD Video.
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Edited By Cramsy

Animated user icons and colored names 
Subscriber only quests 
Downloadable videos  
Sounds good to me :)

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Edited By artofwar420

Maybe you get a shirt for every year you're subscribed? As rare as these shirts are, that might guarantee one.

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Edited By MachoFantastico

Some good points, I agree that subscription benefits shouldn't hurt those who wish not to pay. I'd love the idea of high definition video quality and some extra treats. Could see it working, would need more consideration though as the ones offered by IGN and GameSpot just aren't great. 

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@Kombat said:
"Third, I'd definitely be interested in subscriber-only video downloads on Whiskey Media's original content. I think it would be all right for the downloaded files to be in SD, because we all know how expensive both streaming and offering direct downloading for HD content would probably be, and that alone might circumvent your subscription-collecting efforts. You might want to throw a brand-related watermark in the bottom-right corner (of the downloaded file only, not the streaming one) so dudes aren't throwing your videos up on YouTube or something."
No no no no no no no. No. D: 
I'm all for letting these guys make money. Hence I'll turn off adblock plus unlike some people around here. But don't take away that video content.
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Edited By Tasus

Animated avatars is the worst

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Edited By Supermarius
@Kowbrainz said:
" @Kombat said:
"Third, I'd definitely be interested in subscriber-only video downloads on Whiskey Media's original content. I think it would be all right for the downloaded files to be in SD, because we all know how expensive both streaming and offering direct downloading for HD content would probably be, and that alone might circumvent your subscription-collecting efforts. You might want to throw a brand-related watermark in the bottom-right corner (of the downloaded file only, not the streaming one) so dudes aren't throwing your videos up on YouTube or something."
No no no no no no no. No. D: I'm all for letting these guys make money. Hence I'll turn off adblock plus unlike some people around here. But don't take away that video content. "
You know, after hearing about Dave's post and seeing these comments in favor of putting videos behind a paywall, I've begun downloading the endurance run videos to my hard-drive. Just in case. :(
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Edited By Ramyun

I'm not a huge fan of subscriptions and stuff, but I know I wouldn't be able to resist Giant Bomb merchandise. I mean I would love to see the Giant Bomb store really expanded and more known because I know that I want myself a Space Neon Lobster shirt, or a Nuclear Bomb Jeff shirt and I'm not alone.

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Edited By Gunner

Subscribers should be able to vote on some crazy thing for kessler to do each week.

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Edited By c1337us
@Video_Game_King said:
" Let me just say what everybody's thinking: don't make the subscription feature deprive normal users of anything. I don't want to pay for quests or shit like that. "
You have to don't you? Why else would people pay money for a service if they are only getting what everybody else gets for free.
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Edited By ajamafalous

Anything that segregates the community (exclusive Endurance Run/Podcast/Forum/whatever) is a terrible idea. The only exclusive video content I could see them doing is something like some behind-the-scenes stuff, but even then, they already do a bunch of that for free, so I'd guess that doing more for subscribers only would just feel forced.
If animated avatars or forum signatures happen, I'll probably never look at the forums again. Hopefully, in coming up with something to put behind a subscription model, Whiskey Media doesn't forget what made their sites attractive in the first place.
Personally, I'd prefer just a merch store, and I'm sure people would buy merch (shirts, hoodies, posters, etc.) faster than they could print it for the first few months, especially if they were smart about it and only released something like one new item per month.

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Edited By Faint

i love giant bomb and its the only gaming website i use, but id be drawn back from it if they created a subscription service, though id understand why they are doing it.
anything they add would have to be in addition to what we all already get for free, but also not crap down the throats of us who wont be getting the subscription

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Edited By superfriend

I love GiantBomb and some of the other stuff Whiskey does, but I sure as hell don´t want to support Comic Vine or Anime Vice, since I never go there. If there´s a way my money can go directly to GiantBomb (or directly into Jeff´s mouth or whatever) I will give them my money. Some of it.

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Edited By Jothel

Having very little to no money, having to pay for original giant bomb content would make me very sad indeed, don't care about HD video or anything like that.
Just don't make me pay for original content =(

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1. Make a MMORPG based on the quest system and sell XP for monies. 
2. Raffle away a Whiskey Media staffer's possessions (couches, orbital loungers, hairs e.t.c.) every month. 
3. Sell Giant Bomb consoles with Bombcast artwork and the Giant Bomb logo on them. 
4. Mass produce and sell Luchadeers. 
5. Exclusive Paul Barnett content for subscribers.
6. Sell the polaroids of Johnny V's chest in the aftermath of the GT5 bet to the highest bidder.

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Edited By Cramsy
@Superfriend said:
" I love GiantBomb and some of the other stuff Whiskey does, but I sure as hell don´t want to support Comic Vine or Anime Vice, since I never go there. If there´s a way my money can go directly to GiantBomb (or directly into Jeff´s mouth or whatever) I will give them my money. Some of it. "
That's like saying " I want my money to go to Vaio and not to Sony"
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Edited By the8bitNacho
Whoa, why is everyone freaking out over my idea that they should include HD video with subscriptions? I didn't say that they should bar all video content from users, just give non-subscribers standard definition stuff while leaving 720p and 1080p options to paying users.
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@Kombat: okay don't worry; whether I was tired or what, I'm not sure, think I just panicked and assumed you meant exclusive video content for subscribers only. HD quality and download options are fine... I don't really have the internet bandwidth for anything higher than 360p usually anyway. 
What I don't want in any case is for the guys to take anything that is already on the site for free and suddenly decide it's a feature worthy of paying users only. Office videos, quests, whatever. Have no problem with people getting a few more tools to pretty up their profiles or something if they pay, just as long as the content that's already here stays.
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Edited By GunslingerPanda

The day there's a subscription fee is the day it dies.

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Edited By trulyalive
If you're suggesting that they hire out Paul Barnett for a one hour, one man podcast per day of him just talking about shit that happened in his life, I'm sold. 
But no, seriously, it's already been said, but a Whiskey Media store needs erecting properly. Fuck man, I've meant to buy most of the GBstore stuff in the past but was too broke at the time. If they threw up a bunch of designs that weren't limited (like they all have been so far) I think they'd make a helluva fair amount.
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Edited By Vinny_Says

the minute I have to pay to access a feature on this site is the minute I stop coming here. I will still enjoy the podcast (can they charge me for that?) but HD video is definitely not something that this site MUST ABSOLUTELY HAVE because the quality is just fine. And what are people doing that they would want to download these videos? There all there just watch em...

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Edited By SquadBroken

I will never pay for access to a website, whatever it offers.  A good addition to the site though would be a pop out video player so I can carry on browsing while watching stuff.

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Edited By FireSketch

If they do offer a subscription service, I'd like to be able to pay £20/30/whatever a year, and then forget about it.
Also, it should only cover new features. I don't want to have to start paying for what I already have.
Still, I'm afraid the userbase could split. But Whiskey Media is full of intelligent people. I'm sure they can come up with a good solution.

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Edited By ekajarmstro

I would glady buy some sort of premium status on the website if it's a one time thing, even if I didn't really get anything, just to support it. I would never pay a monthly fee for a website... there is a reason I don't play MMO's (well, more than one reason).
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Edited By Dan_CiTi
@FluxWaveZ said:
" @The_Laughing_Man said:

" How about a live webcam of the office?  "

1. Pretty sure that'd be against the law, or at least their rules. 2. It's not all the time that entertaining stuff is going on there.  For the most part, they're actually working, which would be pretty boring to watch.  And I really don't care about any of the points listed in the op, so a subscription would still not interest me. "
Exactly, if something interesting happens in the office, they do their best to capture it on camera. 
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Edited By luce
@Video_Game_King said:
" Let me just say what everybody's thinking: don't make the subscription feature deprive normal users of anything. "
I love Giant bomb but as soon as they start asking for money, things start getting weird
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Edited By Beertiger
@bhhawks78 said:
" GB has given me hundreds of hours of mostly adless free content.  Have heard every podcast at least twice (need some background music when I run and older podcasts let me zone out a little still) All the endurance run stuff (so awesome) All the quicklooks  Honestly even if they were like yo click this to send us 20$ a year I'd probably do it.  A monthly fee would make me think about it too much though because I'm cheap as fuck. "
Finally someone brings up what should have been mentioned right at the start. Those saying that they flat out wouldn't pay for any subscription service should be embarrassed with themselves. Since they launched Giant Bomb these guys have been providing an amazing entertainment service, to say they don't deserve anything for their hard work is disgraceful. I'd donate or pay for the website, even if it didn't feature any more content than it currently provides.
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Edited By Mrnitropb
@Beertiger said:
" @bhhawks78 said:
" GB has given me hundreds of hours of mostly adless free content.  Have heard every podcast at least twice (need some background music when I run and older podcasts let me zone out a little still) All the endurance run stuff (so awesome) All the quicklooks  Honestly even if they were like yo click this to send us 20$ a year I'd probably do it.  A monthly fee would make me think about it too much though because I'm cheap as fuck. "
Finally someone brings up what should have been mentioned right at the start. Those saying that they flat out wouldn't pay for any subscription service should be embarrassed with themselves. Since they launched Giant Bomb these guys have been providing an amazing entertainment service, to say they don't deserve anything for their hard work is disgraceful. I'd donate or pay for the website, even if it didn't feature any more content than it currently provides. "
No one is saying they don't deserve some rupies, and very few are saying they would not contribute in some way. Hell, a very small minority Would pay a subscription.
But the vast majority of those who would like to contribute to the site would rather it be through merchandise purchases (Endurance Run DVD Boxed sets, shirts, hoddies, stickers, and Giant Bomb energy drinks), or even just a PayPal donation when they feel like it. 
Many feel that a subscription model would invariably drive a wedge between users, splitting us into Have, Have Nots, and WTF is Going Ons. Does WM add some really nifty features for subscriptions, like added content only for subbers, HD stuff (which i personally don't care about), Pick The Pattern that they shave into Kessler's head? Or, as some feel, will it go the other way, and punish no subbers, by taking away content we already get. Will they do a 24 delay for Er videos for non-Gold members? TNT only for Gold? Bombcast is a day late, or even Sub only?
We don't know, and like all rational people are freaked the fuck out by the unknown. We're afraid of losing out on content, and our home away from home on the interwebs suffering the same fate that we've seen a lot of other sites go through. And we want a hoodie.

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Edited By Sambambo

If I am assured that Matt Kessler doesnt get any of the money, then it is fine by me.

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Edited By Daryl


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Edited By count_zero

I know at least one person has said that they don't want to financially support Comic Vine or Anime Vice, but frankly, I'd rather subscription fees cover across the Whiskey Media sites across the board, instead of just one site - it's easier on my pocketbook that way, and they're all in the same offices and they're all one big happy family anyway, so separating their revenue is just dumb, and it's more work from an accounting standpoint. 
So, going from other subscription sites, here's my thoughts on the whole deal. 
Monthly subscription fees should be pretty low. No more than $10 a month - max. If $5 a month will work then that would be best - it's low enough that it's less than a Frappuchino and a brownie at Starbucks. Have an option for a Yearly membership at, say, $50 a year or less, and a lifetime membership for $100. 
Subscribers would get the option for HD downloads of video from the site, including quick looks, and maybe a T-Shirt with Luchadeer on it. They also get a "Subscriber" box underneath their name, looking similar to the Moderator or Staff symbols. If they wanted to be really generous, they could have text only signatures, provided they don't violate the rules of the site. There would also be a single subscriber only forum on the site - nothing major, just something like General Discussion, Off-Topic, or the Bombcast forums, but for subscribers. Additionally, for those Whiskey Media sites with ads, they'd get to view those sites Ad free.
There might also be some subscriber only perks in the future, such as meetups in San Francisco or in the San Francisco area (if there are enough subscribers in the area), so they can meet the Giant Bomb staff and other Whiskey Media people. Additionally, subscribers might get to try out new features on Whiskey Media sites before they're rolled out to the general userbase, to help test them and to have some content already in those categories at the wider launch. As an example, whenever TV series are added to Screened, Subscribers (and, say, people with 20,000+ Wiki Points) would be the first users to be able to add TV series and episodes to the site. Same sort of thing if Cliches were added to Anime Vice. Also, Copyright permitting, I wouldn't mind buying, say, an Endurance Run DVD, with all of the Persona 4 Endurance Run, as an example. 
What do you think, sirs?

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Edited By damnboyadvance

Cool ideas. 
The only thing I disagree with is bypassing the 5000+ points thing. It's a good idea, but we might get spammers to come along and mess up the wiki. I think that in a paid subscription, the amount required should be lowered to 1000 points, or at least no lower than 500, no higher than 2000.
HD needs to be here too, at least 720p.

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Edited By scarace360

i would like to be ale to download all the videos and also get HD video. But would i be able to get a life time subscription.

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Edited By bjorno

i will pay infinite dollars for suburban all-star content

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Edited By citizenkane
@SuperSambo said:
" If I am assured that Matt Kessler doesnt get any of the money, then it is fine by me. "
Matt Kessler is an indentured servant of Whiskey Media, so you don't have to worry about him gaining any of the revenue.
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Edited By HS21

Reading the topic title, then reading the post...was a letdown. 

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Edited By count_zero
@damnboyadvance said:
" Cool ideas.   The only thing I disagree with is bypassing the 5000+ points thing. It's a good idea, but we might get spammers to come along and mess up the wiki. I think that in a paid subscription, the amount required should be lowered to 1000 points, or at least no lower than 500, no higher than 2000. "
Agreed. The only reason I mentioned wiki-points at all for trying out new features, is to broaden the number of people testing them out - with the added bit that people with 15-20K points are people who tend to make a lot of edits anyway, so they're people who are going to use the feature a lot.
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Edited By ShaunassNZ

What about a Whiskey Media account... like we can make a new account and add our different accounts from the other sites and added them together or use our best account and add the sites' ones to it and have the same logon.

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Edited By count_zero

From what I recall hearing from the Comic-Con Meet-up, it sounds like they want to do this, but it's not ready yet.

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Edited By kagai

I think a subscription like a magazine price would be fine like $20-$30 a year.  I just don't want any  antidisestablishmentarianism. I don't like it.  No, Sir!

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Edited By Suigyoken

Maybe we could have stuff sent to our house or invites to events that GB crew might be doing, a phony club card... and decoder rings. But all of that is -spending- more money. What I'd like to see is maybe more contests for those who do subscribe? Sure it'll alienate the non-subs, but maybe it'll make the prizes and the sub numbers that much better? Or those prizes could just be the promotional stuff you guys get but just don't want.