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#1  Edited By The_Crucible

It doesn't matter if it is spring of 2007, spring of 2008, winter of 2008, or spring of 2009, it's time to get a PS3.

Why?  Because it will give you the best all-around experience of ANY of the three consoles.

Why?  Because you not only get some of the best HD gaming, you also get free online play, free access to PSN (downloads, Home, etc), you get the blu-ray player, free wifi, sixaxis (yes, it works and its cool), and all of the excellent exclusives.

Now, I can see if you are a teenager or a young adult how you might be making a big penny stretch for a PS3.  And I can see that, that type of gamer may not get the full PS3 experience due to no HDTV, small living space, etc.

But for an older gamer, one who needs to enetertain many types and ages of people, it doesn't get batter than PS3.

My PS3 is on, at least, 7 hours a day.  3 of those hours are my gameplay.  The rest is dedicated to my 1.5 year old son, wife, and other gamers in my home.

Most of what I do with the PS3 can NOT be done on the Wii.  And some of it can't be done on 360 out of the box.

If you really look at the pricing of the 360 and the PS3 for what you get for what you need, PS3 is a great deal.

Try really enjoying an 360 without a HDD.  Try really enjoying your 360 when you have a large living space and you have no wifi.  Try sayig blu-ray is mediocre once watching them on a HDTV.

Then go try and fix those missing needs by spending more money on 360 than your initial investment.  Then realize you still have no blu-ray.

It is time, TC.  Get a PS3.