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July 23, 2009

          I geuss I'm gonna start up a blog again, I figure that now is a good time since its been a year since I started and stopped a blog. Maybe I can make it past 3 or 4 entries this time ;) 
          Im going to talk about my very first impression of Resistance 2. I actually really enjoyed the first one, playing it co-op with my brother when we first opened our PS3 was a real blast. I really enjoyed a few of the ways it was different from other shooters that ièm used to. Like how every weapon has an alternate fire and you could carry every weapon in the game at once instead of 2 like other FPS's. I also liked the health system. Most shooters I've played use either a normal health bar, when in hits zero you die and it doesn't recharge. Or they use the most common system, screen turns red when you get hit, take cover then it recharges, Call of Duty style. 
           Resistance uses a hybrid of these 2 styles. The health bar consists of 4 parts. For example if you get shot and take 1 and a half bars of damage then half a bar will recharge but the other full bar will not. In other words every full part you lose will not recharge but if you only lose a portion of a part it will recharge. So the game gives you some regeneration but not too much.
           As I said before I was quite fond of the health system and being able to hold a bunch of weapons at a time.
However for some dumbass reason they changed all this in Resistance 2. The health system works just like Call of Duty and you can only hold 2 weapons at once.
They took out alot of the stuff that makes the first one stand out in my mind.

         They also completely changed the way the story is told. They ditched the more original way of narration and cool cutscenes for a standard through the eyes of the hero style. It just seems to me that made it more like Call of Duty 4 so they could try and sell more copies. I love Call of Duty by the way, I'm just really sad that they decided to change Resistance 2 so much from the first one.

          I know they needed to add new things, which they did. From what I gathered from the menus and my brief time played this game: the rank system in multiplayer is really improved, there are alot of customization options as well and the overall scope of the game is way more epic. All great improvements in my opinion.

           I also tried the new co-op mode where you choose from 3 classes. It actually seemed really neat. I played it split screen with my brother and for some reason it looked like absolute trash for a PS3 game. The textures and graphics were PS2 quality. Not sure what is wrong here because in single player the game looks just fine.

     Please note that these are really early impressions. I played the co-op for about 5 minutes and played through the first level of the single player campaign.
I just wanted to express how disappointed i am that the changed some of my favorite things from the first game. However just because it's different doesn't mean it is bad at all. So far the single player mode seems plenty fun. Whenever I get the time I will finish Resistance 2 and maybe do a video or written review or another blog about it.