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Movies... Fun

I've seen alot of movies since my last post... so I'll just like... mini review them all

Observe and Report: I loved this movie way to much. The soundtrack was amazingly well picked, the direction was excelent with all of the cutaways, and it managed to be darkly funny... while still being light heartedly funny at points. Jody Hill... I salute thee (also I know officially know Seth Rogen can ACT and not just be... like... funny).
Might be too dark for some (failed due to false advertisement, this is more of a drama then a comedy) so it's a love or hate thing.

The Big Lebowski: I can see why alot of my friends like this. So many funny characters and such a hilarious storyline. Oh god, so many things to quote. The Coen Brothers have done very well. I love Fargo and Burn After Reading, but this movieĀ  has tickled me rough, and I fucking love it. SHUT THE FUCK UP DONNY

Terminator Salvation: I feel like this movie didn't do a good job sumarizing the Terminator storyline up to this point. Alot of my friends were confused (despite some of them being fans of the saga) and it just felt confusing. MCG did a good job directing and Christian Bale was still gruff, angry, and raspy. Decent performances all around (Sam Worthington or other was really good). FUN ACTION!!!! :D

The Soloist: It ended up being a better drama than I expected, and even had some light hearted humor. I love the music even though I'm not a huge classical music fan, it all sounded beautiful and really fit each scene and character (it was it's own set peice). Could be boring for most, but it's got it's fans (it'd be good as a book IMHO).

Star Trek: I did not hear "Beam Me Up, Scotty" once. Anyway, great action and just pure fun. The movie was just pure fun (might not really service the true fans, but there are enough refrences and the actors do their parts well enough to suffice for a little).

X-Men Wolverine: I feel like it was an awesome action movie, but they really did a less than decent job building up the characters like Dead Pool and Gambit. If you're a big fan, you'll probably spew alot of WHAT THE FUCKS but it's a good action flick none the less.

Angels and Demons: A pure popcorn flick that has you think, but not too hard. I walked in without reading the book, and I still enjoyed it alot. Really intese (some parts were even kinda scary).

Dance Flick: I know... They did Scary Movie 1 and 2... but... no... I walked out of it in the middle... just no... I'm sorry

Up: This movie was HILARIOUS! The script is so well done and the voice actors do the characters justice. The story could and basically is really sad! XD Honestly though, you'll laugh hard and shed some tears. Amazing movie, also an amazing score. Just letting you folks know, 3D is kind of pointless beca- SQUIRREL...

Next Day Air: Pineapple Expresses challenged cousin. Funny at points, and decent action. A movie to watch if you're bored.

17 Again (According to my friend): NOT BAD

Adventureland: A victim of false advertisement again (just because Greg Motolla directed it, this will not be like Superbad). A really good drama with an excellent cast of newly graduates in the late 80's. Funderful soundtrack and is hilarious in some parts (due to the comic relief character, look out for him).

Burn After Reading: In the same vein of stupidity and violence as The Big Lebowski and Fargo. Maybe a little to smart for some teenagers because alot of my friends didn't understand it for some reason (plus some critics are saying it's an extremely adult movie... but fuck it). If you're a fan of the other two I mentioned, watch it and enjoy.

Almost Famous: This movie really suprised me. I was expecting a comedy of sorts and came out applauding loudly. While it was funny at parts, the story was great and the actors were brilliant IMHO. It just felt like a really well put together movie. Everything was top notch.

The Wackness: Kinda like Juno, but he's not pregnant. While it's not a comedy by any means, the drama aspect really can hit you hard as well as the extremely well compiled soundtrack containing an amazing amount of 90's hip hop hits. Excellent movie (Great performances from Josh Peck and Ben Kingsley).

28 Days Later: One of my current favorite movies (along with the Big Lebowski and Observe + Report). Direction is beautiful and some small things (like the characters driving on top of a painting) just really pack a punch and make you say (oh shit). The score is beautiful with a good mix of piano play + hard rock. Really appropriate at parts (except for the ending)

AND that's it... yeah... I'll watch alot more movies and then do this again.