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Alright then, so... just joined the site.

Awesome. Wonderful. Cool.
...So yea. Hi. Name is Sam and I'm a huge video game person. Because that's what most people on this site are. I own a Ps3 and I like to keep as far away from the fanboy wars as possible. Like if they are on that side of the room, I want to be on this side of the room. Besides, this side has my bed and my laptop. It's cozy.
Besides video games, I'm a role player. Play on a site called Kaerwyn, and if I don't log on every day I suffer from withdrawal. No, not spazzy "I need my fix!" withdrawal. More like "Holy shit I have an awesome idea and I totally want to get it done now!" withdrawal.
Besides role playing, I like to write funny things. Like this blog. I will have lots of overly-sarcastic things to write about, and I'm going to have fun doing it. And if you're reading my overly-sarcastic things and grinning and going "I like this guy" then either A) I achieved my goal and every thing is going according to plan, or B) you're a pedophile and that's pretty creepy. Like really creepy. Get a life. Freak.
So what else to add here? Well I'm not sure. I guess something will come around as I read more stuff and watch more trailers and think about witty responses to them. I just recently got 100% of trophies in Godfather 2 and I'm thinking about writing a review for the game. It was a good game for a Game Fly rental. Could be worse. Maybe I'll finally get around to beating Shadow Hearts: From the new World sometime this year.
I think that's about all. I'm a 16 year old with a brain, the ability to format an argument in a mature fashion and I'm witty. That can be quite deadly given the proper usage. Or I can end up a Marty Stu. Let's try to avoid that fate, shall we?