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Influential FPS games...because we need another!

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  • One of the best, most engrossing fps I have ever played.

  • Still the pinnacle of competitive FPS gaming.

  • In 1998, this game taught me that FPS games can have a story and characters that I care about.

  • The multiplayer in this was just...fantastic.

  • I had a tough time getting a lot of my computer related projects done because me and my friends were to busy playing Quake over LAN. A time before broadband is a scary thought.

  • Brought Quake to the browser, and brought something far more then a flash title to the browser.

  • Still one of my favorite couch games.

  • Halo was the first console game that got us to bring our tv's together and have a console based lan party.

  • 64 player, WW2, vehicular slaughter and spectacular visuals for the time. This game had everything, the mods were phenomenal Desert Combat, Forgotten Hope and Eve of Destruction were worth admission on there own.

  • This game defined epic for me in 2002, the multiplayer was also fantastic.

  • Honorable mention goes to CoD, while the game currently is just barely a shadow of it's former glory I have a special place in my heart for this FPS. Always and forever CoD1...ilu.