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#1  Edited By thunderbear

I didn't know he left for Microsoft. That makes a lot of sense, considering how he was the main rumor mongerer behind MGS4 coming to the Xbox360. I can't even remember how many threads there were about quotes of his sparking rumors that it was coming to Xbox360 and how many forum "wars" it created. That's funny. 
What's not funny is that he got depressed and the situation with his mother :(. Career wise I feel he should be fairly happy with the attention he's gotten considering he was junior producer on MGS4 and then got a Lead Designer role at one of the biggest games developers in the world. Would he have gotten several articles written about his start-up, that most indie-developers would beg for, without his "fame"? I hope he finds his happiness in the indie market and we get to see what he's capable of on his own. I'm sure with his name that he'll land a publisher easier than other indie developers.  
And to all think that a large part of it might be because he fueled the flames behind the MGS4 coming to Xbox360 deal. If you don't believe me, how many of you knew his name before MGS4? And can you name, without looking it up, the current junior producers on MGS Rising or MGS Peace Walker? He did a good job getting his name out there.

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#2  Edited By thunderbear

$50 bucks a year for this doesn't sound like a terrible deal? Man, Activision must be glad there's a few fools born every day. All it sounds like is that they are getting you to commit to paying for all the DLC (while a lot of people only buy a few of them) while they are still hyped, and then get some promotions (competitions which usually don't have an entry fee in the world of online gaming...) and celebrity media thrown in? Xbox360 users who go for this will essentially put out $110 a year to play Call of Duty online with fresh content.
Well, if you're happy with it and Activision is supplying then who am I to say what's right or wrong. I'm not buying into it though. 

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#3  Edited By thunderbear

What about laptop gaming? What about some countries outside of the US that doesn't have the same stability/availability of the internet? What if I can't afford my internet bill for a month and get shut off, I am not supposed to be able to play my games that I bought months/years earlier?
From Dust was cracked in a few days and is easily downloadable. So I don't understand how they can say it was a success. And I AM a developer. I'd be upset if this kind of DRM was placed on a game I worked on.

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#4  Edited By thunderbear

Bah, I don't believe the Iphone theory for a second. How about lack of quality software? How about age old looking graphics looking like it's coming from a slightly powered Nintendo 64? 
No games, no power made the 3DS not sell, not smart phones. I like how you journalists express your opinions as if they were facts.

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#5  Edited By thunderbear

You are so predictable! Why would you want to think Sony's more commercial NGP titles like Uncharted are cool when there's an artistic game with a successful indie developer behind it? 
This looks great, but so do the other NGP launch games. A heck of a lot more exciting than the 3DS launch line up was (still doesn't have any exciting games out for it!).

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#6  Edited By thunderbear

Haha, yeah I am sure Sony didn't care at all about the threats and left their servers wiiide open with a sign saying "Welcome in, please take everything you want."

Ever since the PS3's firmware was hacked, Sony has been in trouble. Some people took extreme anger to Other OS being removed (who used it?! I installed it once, looked all over for useful ways to use it but only the main CPU, 256mb of available ram and no GPU support meant Linux was useless on the PS3).

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#7  Edited By thunderbear

" It's too bad Sony didn't make this same information available to its 77 million consumers. "

But they did! They couldn't rush out with information that wasn't verified. It was very important that they were careful what they said. Nothing could have satisfied all you mongers. Stop blaming Sony and blame the hackers FFS.

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#8  Edited By thunderbear
" All versions of the games, for whatever reason, will support 3D."
Some people are excited about 3D, I guess you're not but maybe it's not hard to imagine that a lot of other people are excited to have a lot of content to play in 3D when 3D TVs and Projectors prices fall.
Great news!