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"You wanna take a knee?"

Man, I fucking love comedy.   And beyond that, I love people talking about comedy and "the journey" as it were; where people ended up in their lives and what experiences defined them as people.  And if you like comedy or even think you like comedy and you don't listen to and watch every episode of Marc Maron's WTF podcast and Kevin Pollak's Chat Show I have to say you're an idiot and a fool not to mention someone who doesn't know comedy and entertainment.  They are both somewhat similar but they are all completely engaging and inciteful.  With KPCS even watching an episode of someone I've never heard of or only know the name of I'm blown away with the gravitational pull that I'm sucked in with once I start up the episode, and the idea of a long form conversation with extremely interesting people that is not just about where they came from or comedy in general but something that transcends any topic that really does affect all of our lives whether we are willing to recognize it or not.  When you can be talking about the your reaons for your decisions, net neutrality, the idea of intellectual property, and any number of other topics that are important things that we should all be talking about because they are going to be defining what our lives are like in the next few years and onward... and to me intelectually elevating your conversations to another level it is something else entirely.  It is hard for me to put into words the enjoyment that is gleened from these 2 podcasts alone and why other people who like comedy and entertainment should care.  Not only is it interesting, but you gain an incite and new found respect for some people that you might not have otherwise.  It is also nice to be exposed to people you might not have otherwise heard of or been exposed to, people who's peers in comedy are saying "hey, these are guys we respect, and that you should be paying attention to".  Now that many of my comedy heroes (Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Richard Jeni, etc) have left this plane of existence, I have been looking for where to turn my gaze to meet the next set of individuals who will define what comedy is and evolve it and our ideas into the next area they need to be taken.  These podcasts facilitate that next step, or set of steps nicely.  If you are even remotely as passionate as me about any of these things you owe it to yourself to incorporate these things into your life somehow, even if progressively.