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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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Retro Remix Revue, Volume 1 – More VG Music!!

I’ve found something very new (to me anyways), and it is right up my alley of favorite video game music themes!! So without wasting time, here are the songs from the album and some videos I have found on Youtube to where you can listen to a few the full songs and many samples! Enjoy!

Official Website

1. Super Mario World – Overworld BGM, Ending

2. Mega Man 2 – Intro, Title, Airman

3. F-Zero- Big Blue

4. Sonic the Hedgehog – Green Hill Zone

5. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – Stickerbrush Symphony (Bramble Blast)

6. Dr. Mario – Chill, Fever

7. Street Fighter 2 – Ken’s Theme

8. Super Mario 64- Dire, Dire Docks

9. Sonic the Hedgehog 2- Chemical Plant Zone

10. Super Mario Kart- Mario Circuit, Rainbow Road

11. Spider-Man/X-Men: Arcade’s Revenge – Gambit

12. Mario Paint- Gnat Attack, Save & Load

13. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time- Zelda’s Lullabye, Zora’s Domain

Samples not enough and you can’t listen to them on Zune or your IPod? Try this!  Type the name of the album, Retro Remix Revue, and you should be able to listen to all the themes trouble free.  Careful, you can only play 25 songs for free, but it does tell you when you've reached your limit. You won’t be able to own the songs without a subscription to Napster, I think. Lol :D.  Well, Hope ya’ll enjoyed the music! Until next time!



A word to all my Giantbomb friends!

Well, I’m going to say something to each of my online friends here on Giantbomb.  I’m always grateful to meet and have new friends.  I’m going by my friends list, so if you’re not a friend of mine yet and I somehow know you, I might just add you to the list if you become my friend!  So to all my Giantbomb friends, this blog is for you!  Also, this list is in no particular order of favorites. J

Claude: Oh what to say about Claude!! He’s everyone’s favorite uncle, who is one cool and groovy gamer! Always fun to talk to and funny to listen to, and one of my first friends who made me feel welcome to Giantbomb. J You will definitely know when he is around!  Cheers to Claude!  

AgentJ: The ultimate list whore to making awesome blogs about the next generation of Super Smash Bros! Quite an imagination, and does his best to help inspire others on coming up with ideas.  I’ve shared some of my ideas with him, and seems appreciative to them.  Also, he loves cookies as much as I do, but can probably eat more cookies than I can!  

Blueprint12: A good friend of mine since day one, and my very first online friend who has known me for quite a while.  In just four more months, we’ll be friends for one whole year!  He’s likes all kinds of games! He’s the one that got me introduced to The Secret of Mana, and I loved it ever since.  We could just talk about games for hours, and never really get tired.  So, for putting up with me for all this time, He deserves a medal!  

ValkyrieGoddess: One of my newer friends on GiantBomb, and seems really nice to talk to.  Interesting to find out that there aren’t many girls in this community, but it’s really good to know one that’s into games because there aren’t too many like her.  

JonathanMoore: My very religious and second friend on Giantbomb.  Good to have a conversation with in regards to Mario games. :D  

RHCPfan24: Haven’t heard from him in a while, but he was always nice to me and seems to be well known on Giantbomb.  

Insanegamer: It’s about time you showed up! Let’s talk movies sometime!  

Diamond: Has a great taste in videogame music and in games too!  Has certainly played a lot of games! More games than what we all think!  Btw, let’s talk again!  

Natetodamax: WOW! Someone that I get along with that gets bored as much as I do!  Quite entertaining to talk to, and nice to see someone that checks on me every so often!  Not really many people do that.  Have a safe trip to Maryland, and hope that everything turns out for the better!  You’ll be ok! :D  

Hamz and TheBeast: Been aggravating them about The Sims 3 lately, but I promise it’ll stop soon! :D Cool IRC friends and awesome moderators! /   

Vinchenzo: Finally! Another Calvin and Hobbes fan!  You can talk to me about Calvin and Hobbes anytime!  

SuperMooseman (AKA: Moosey!), Jayge, End_Boss, ZeroCast, sidescroller, RandomHero666 (how could I forget), and Pie: You’re even more interesting to talk to on the IRC!  You are all are awesome!! / / / /  

Pie: licks pie because pie is delicious! :D lol.  

JameBoyce: You had enough of me yet? You still need to watch Dead Like Me!! :D – Great to joke around with on the IRC.  

Luce: He likes my drawings no matter how bad they are! :D Sorry dude that I haven’t done any artworks lately! Maybe later!  

CL60: Vin RULES!! Enjoy inFAMOUS! Don’t get killed!  

Mracoon: Whoa! You’ve been busy, so I’ll just leave you alone. :D  


Dr_Feelgood38: Who doesn’t like Dr_Feelgood? He’s a doctor!  Miss talking to ya!  

Auspiciousqueue: Look!! There goes Jackie Chan!! –Wow, another female on GB. :D Let’s talk again sometime and nice new wallpaper and profile image!  

Jakob187: My very angry and rebel friend from Waco! Have fun in Ohio!  

Tylea002, LiquidPrince, artofwar420, StarfoxA, Cirdain, Marzy, and c1337us: I see you every so often, but can never really catch up. Let’s talk again! / / / / / /  

Qorious, OrientalJams, CptChiken, thebipsnbeeps, Konvikt, and Miniman: What happened to you? / / / / /  

Octacon: Ok, let’s talk.  Haven’t heard much from you.  

Oldschool: No school without the oldscool!  

HandsomeDead: Been an interesting start on friendship.  I would like to see you happy for once and not hate everything. Lol.  

MattyFTM: Helpful as ever, and we need to talk more. Lol.  

Al3xand3r, LtColJaxson, Twilight, Axersia, and Lemon: Where the hell are you? It’s been a while!! (Lemon: You haven’t made a blog in quite a spell!) / / / /  

KaosAngel: Thanks to his blog, it inspired me to do this one. :D Glad the new job is going well.  

Mracoon, Linkyshinks, Halberdierv2, raven_squad: Silent for quite some time. Talked briefly, then lost touch it seems. / / /  

William, joey, 0kAmui0, Binman88: Are you all dead? / / /  

ParanoidFreak and Bandresen: I forgot who ya’ll are! :D / 

Systech, Cc23574, and Gingertastic_10: Newest friends! May we have a good and long online friendship! (Sorry I don't feel like linking right now, but I will later! lulz!) :D

Ok, whew!!! I think that’s all! Have a good summer everyone!

-Ty (Mork on IRC)


Useful information reguarding system requirements for PC games.

This is one of the most handiest sites I've ever seen!  I've wanted to know if my PC could run The Sims 3, because I was not sure that if it would work.  Thanks to Hamz, I was able to find out.  It turns out that I only had one problem which was the lack of CPU speed.  It turns out that the requirement was

Minimum: (XP) 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent; (Vista) 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent [If built-in graphics chipsets then 2.6 GHz Pentium D CPU, or 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo, or equivalent.] You Have: 1.60 GHz

I have the Core 2 Duo processor in my computer, so I'm 0.2 GHz short If I lower some of the settings in the game, it should be able to run because everything else passed.

So if you're a person like me that doesn't know if a game would be able to run on your computer system, I encourage you to try out the siteI would like to thank Hamz again for his assistance and patience in showing me what I need to do and for showing me the website.  I'm glad that this site exists, and I would like everyone to know about it!!  Please feel free to leave your comments, questions, or possibly thanks here in the blog if you found the site useful.  Thanks for reading, and until next time.

:) Ty


What I would like to see at E3 2010 or sometime soon. (Nintendo)

I don't expect to see all of these games on E3 (Nintendo) next year, but it would be nice to see some from the list very soon even!!  It would be cool if these games released this year!  Here is a list of what I think should be in Nintendo's future in gaming. 

  1. New Wii Zelda game
  2. New Wii Starfox game
  3. New Wii F-Zero game
  4. New Mario Sport, Party, or Paper Mario game
  5. Mario Paint to be revived with original content and new content
  6. Wii/DSi integration of Virtual Console games.  (EX: Virtual Console can be played on DSi too!!)
  7. Klonoa: Lunatea's Veil Wii-Make
  8. New and improved Klonoa on Wii
  9. Pikmin 3
  10. New Nintendo Franchise - A good platformer action game
  11. New Wii Channel that features listening to vintage and new video game music that can be put on an SD card.
  12. PilotWings Wii
  13. Castlevania - Actually releasing soon!!!
  14. Earthbound Wii - Special Surprise
  15. More information on games that was featured this year and didn't release yet come E3 next year! -Hope that makes sense. Pretend Mario Galaxy 2or Metroid: Other M didn't come out yet E3 2010.  I would expect to see more info at the next E3 about it! That is the concept I'm getting to.
Well, there you have it!  15 things that would be cool to see E3 (Nintendo) next year!  What do you think about the list?  Got anything to add?  Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed the list, and until next time! :D


Virtual Console and WiiWare Titles that Are Worth a Try!

(For the ones who know me.)  It’s been a while since I’ve been on GiantBomb.  Last week was my dad’s vacation, and when his vacation started immediately, it meant work!  Within the last week, I have helped put laminate flooring down in my home, went out of town for three days, and done multiple mini-tasks.  It took two days to lay down the floor, one day to straighten a few things up in the house, three days out of town and little sleep, and the remainder has been tiny projects.  Tiny projects like making a space where it’s possible to hang plants upon the porch, managing the vegetable garden, cleaning up the house, and more.  So yea, it’s been a busy week for me last week, and I am so glad that it’s over!  It’s been a long week and dad finally is going back to work because he has been annoying and frustrating me for the past week.  I can finally play my new games for Wii which are ExciteBots, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, and Bubble Bobble Plus!  I can finally also catch up on some games like Mario Golf 64, Secret of Mana, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past!  Going to be a really good summer for me on videogames finally!  I haven’t had a “to do” list quite like this in quite a while! It's great to be back on GiantBomb! :D

Well, I suppose I should get to the main point now!  Here is what I think are the best WiiWare and Virtual Console titles that money can buy so far.  For the ones who many not know what Virtual Console or WiiWare is, it's a service on Wii where one can download older and newer games!  The Virtual Console helps gamers experience and re-experience older games, while WiiWare titles offer new games!  There are games that I have researched, but have not played.  I think that it would fair to list the researched/non-played games too because of the reception and popularity of those games!

Notes: The following lists are not in any particular order.



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Bubble Bobble Plus! – Bubble Bobble Plus! is a really not a bad game for $6, and it just came out.  200 levels of bubble shooting and eliminating enemies, and picking up the items that they drop come to a very well balanced game.  You can get 100 more levels by purchasing the extra downloadable content.  Add it all together, and you get a $10 game with 300 action packed, old-school style action!  This updated version of Bubble Bobble is certainly not a dud.  I was one of the people who were hesitant on getting Bubble Bobble because of the “cute” factor.  If you work around the “cute” factor, then you’ll realize you got a pretty challenging and quality game on your hands!  This title is worth checking out.

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Tetris Party - Tetris has been here for a long period of time. Now, the mother of all puzzle games is back in a whole new way! Alexey Pajitnov probably did not know what kind of game that he has created, but it has become well known and extremely popular. Today it's one of the best legendary puzzle games that have ever been created. Tetris has had its ups and downs through the years, but it has now reached a peak. Tetris Party for Wii is not only fun, but it also features new ways to play and enjoy Tetris. There are many ways to play Tetris! You can play alone, against friends, online, and with the balance board among many different modes or ways to play. You can even change your environments and music that best suits your mood. 12 dollars is not a bad price to pay for this game, and it's worth the money because I bought Tetris Worlds for the Gamecube for 20 dollars. So 12 dollars is a modest price considering what it used to be, and the replay value is unstoppable! (From my personal review

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*World of Goo -
World of Goo is a multiple award winning physics based puzzle / construction game made entirely by two guys. Drag and drop living, squirming, talking, globs of goo to build structures, bridges, cannonballs, zeppelins, and giant tongues. The millions of Goo Balls that live in the beautiful World of Goo are curious to explore - but they don't know that they are in a game, or that they are extremely delicious. (Summary from

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*Mega Man 9
- This latest Mega Man title brings the series back to its old school roots with retro action platforming gameplay and classic 8-bit NES-style graphics and sound. Relive the Mega Man experience with classically inspired bosses, each with their own unique weapons and weaknesses. The story of Mega Man begins in the year 200X, as the advanced science of the era has created industrial robots that co-exist with humans. However, an evil genius, Dr. Wily, plots for world domination and creates his own robot army to take over mankind. Luckily for humanity, Dr. Light outfits one of his domestic robots "Rock" to fight Dr. Wily's creations. Mega Man is born. Set after the events of Mega Man 8, multiple riots have sprung up all over the world. Whilst many people suspect that this is another plot from Dr. Wily, Dr. Light is stunned to recognize that some of the robots rioting on the TV screen are his own creations. Even more stunning, Dr. Wily appears on television to proclaim that Dr. Light is the evil mastermind behind these latest catastrophic incidents and it's up to Mega Man to clear his creator's name! (Summary from
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*Dr. Mario Online Rx
- The doctor is in! Mario takes a break from his adventuring ways and once again dons his stethoscope for a new generation of germ-battling mayhem. In addition to the classic mode of using vitamins to exterminate viruses, you'll find two battle modes and an online multiplayer mode where you can hone your skills against players from around the world. Feel like challenging a friend who doesn't have Dr. Mario Online Rx? Then the WiiWare-exclusive Friend Battle Demo is just what the doctor ordered. Or maybe you'd like some help taking on those nasty viruses? Try out Virus Buster, where four players can simultaneously move capsules simply by pointing at them with a Wii Remote controller. Any way you look at it, Dr. Mario Online Rx is a prescription for fun that everyone can enjoy. (Summary from

Honorable Mentions for WiiWare

Magnetica Twist*, My Aquarium*, LostWinds*, Art Style Franchise*, MaBoShi's Arcade*, LIT*, Toki Tori*, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King, Bit Trip Beat*, and Defend Your Castle*.

Virtual Console

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Most Anything Mario – The only game I never really cared for was the NES Open Tournament game that he was in.  Everything else that is offered through the Virtual Console service that is related to Mario is good.  Games like Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart 64, and Paper Mario are some of the many games that makes Mario who he is today!  He will always be Mr. Nintendo, in other words Nintendo’s forever and beloved mascot!
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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Absolutely no words can describe how good this game is. The game literally sucks you in as soon as you grab the controller and start the game. This is the most epic and without a doubt the best game I have ever played. The storyline is absolutely captivating, and it leaves you curious and wanting to see more. The graphics may not be the best out there, but I'm here to tell you that graphics are not everything, game play is. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a game of substance, length, and lasting appeal even when you are finished and not playing it anymore. It's hard for me to pick it back up for a second time, because it's hard to re-experience the action all over again. At least there are memories. The music in the game can be haunting, atmospheric, delightful, and suits the mood of the game. Some boss fights can be pretty easy, but some can be very hard! I can't really find anything wrong with this game. If you have $10 left in Wii Points, I couldn't recommend anything better than The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. If you are new to playing games or the Zelda series, then you are very lucky! $10 for this game is practically a steal. (From my personal review

*I like Zelda games, but I believe that the Ocarina of Time is the best one.  I can’t recommend most anything Zelda, because I never really liked the NES versions, and I still need to play Majora’s Mask!  I heard that Majora’s Mask isn’t the best Zelda game to play.

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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
– I grew up with Nintendo and somehow I missed this game when it released on the SNES. I know now that I definitely missed something good. I'm so glad that I was able to capture the fantastic moments in this game through Wii! If you played the Twilight Princess and liked it, try A Link to the Past out! This is a great game but it is not my favorite. I do however realize why many regard this game to be the best in the series and I respect that! In my opinion, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is what I think is best in the series. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is the second. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is my third favorite and at last The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past is the fourth. I strongly recommend A Link to the Past to any hardcore gamer! This game will definitely give the younger gamers a history lesson and people like me who accidentally missed out!  (From my personal review on;review1)
Knuckles, Sonic, and Tails
Knuckles, Sonic, and Tails

Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2, and 3
– Sonic was great in the good old days of gaming.  These three games define Sonic, and they are certainly his best.  It is sometimes really hard to come across something that is not better than the original.  In these games, it is easy to see how Sonic was able to grow in the right way, not the way he has been growing for the worse recently.  Buying these games at 800 points each is not a rip off in any way.  Experiencing or re-experiencing these games are definitely an experience worthwhile.

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Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, and 3
– The Donkey Kong Country games are the most beautiful and artful games that I have seen to be on the SNES.  Not only are these games are artful, but they are also challenging to boot.  The level design and the obstacles can be quite cruel in the game, but it easily pleases any hardcore gamer who is looking for a good challenge.  The music in these games is so cinematic, creative, haunting, calm, whimsical, and catchy!  Good graphics, music, and most importantly game play make these games iconic.  For 800 points apiece, it’s definitely a modest price for all of them!

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Secret of Mana
– Secret of Mana is a very iconic and graphically beautiful RPG similar to the style of Zelda.  It is a very hard game to play and might not appeal to all gamers.  Gamers who favor the RPGs will certainly need to give this square gem a try.  The elements in the game may be similar to Zelda, but one can definitely tell the difference between the two.  The soundtrack of this game is certainly popular among fans, and the atmosphere of each level is very rich and colorful.  800 points for this game is not bad if you don’t get impatient too quick!!

Honorable Mentions for Virtual Console

Mega Man franchise*, Toe Jam and Earl*, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Punch-Out: Featuring Mr. Dream*, Metroid*, Super Metroid*, Starfox 64, Kirby’s Adventure*, Super Castlevania 4*, Ghosts 'n' Goblins*, and Gunstar Heroes*.


     If there are any comments, questions, or contributions I’ll get back to you!!  If there are some iconic games that I have accidently left off, then please mention them!!  Thanks for reading this very long blog, and see you all next time.  Hope ya’ll liked the list!



Update on what I’m doing, and the topic I chose. (update)

Well, it’s only one more day of college until I’m out.  The final exams are next week, but I was able to get mine done early because they are all mostly online.  I still have an argument/persuasion paper that is due Monday or Tuesday of next week.  I got that done early, but it’s only a rough draft.  I sent it to her today to look at it.  For those who are wondering what I did my topic on, I had to go with Creationism and Evolutionism.  The reason why I picked that topic is because the professor took into consideration that we had a limited time to do the paper, and she narrowed it down the topics that already had the proper database only sources that we can choose from.  No books involved.  It’s actually better and easier to use even though there are limitations.  I’m sorry that I asked for help with coming up with a topic to help me out for the paper, but when there is an easy way out to write a paper I wanted to take that opportunity to use what I can.  I do want to take this time to thank the ones who have tried to help me, and I’m truly grateful for the help.

It’s been real busy and stressful at my place, and it’s really something that I don’t want to go into detail with.   It’s going to get better though, especially when college is finally coming to a cease for a little while.

Well, tomorrow I want to get ExciteBots for the Wii.  I’ve been dying to try Klonoa, but once I heard that it is short I just decided to rent the game if I find it at the rental store.  So, I finally have a new game to play.

Well, that is about it with me.  Thanks again for the ones who have tried to help me out, and thanks for reading!  Any questions or comments, I’ll be around.  See you all later, and best of wishes.


Be sure to check this forum post out that I posted yesterday for a good laugh.  Enjoy.

May 8th Update Edit: I was told that I was supposed to pick 1 of the 2 topics that my professor provided.  I only had a choice between assistant suicide or mary jane.  I wrote the creaton/evolution paper for nothing.  She won't take it.  So I have to go out of my way to write about whether Mary Jane should be legalized or not, or issues concerned with assistant suicide.  I'm soo mad!! :(  However, I'll get the stupid paper done.

Well I got ExciteBots today, and I hope to play it soon. 


My Top 5 Games that Need Sequels

I would like to list 5 games that I think need sequels.  I haven’t played some of these games, but I hear a lot of praise towards some of them.  I think you all might like the list! :D

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5. Chrono Trigger – I think that it’s interesting that an SNES game such as this would release for the DS.  I think that this game needs another sequel ( because it’s not often that you would see a SNES game released for the DS.  It would be nice to see the sequel to be released on all platforms.  Plus it’s a SNES RPG gem and obviously a very influential game. 

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4. World of Goo – I like puzzle games, and I never played World of Goo.  The time it takes to complete this game made me shy away from it.  I think that if they added on to the game, or perhaps made a sequel, I might consider getting it.  So, from what I hear and the reception I see from this game, I think that it deserves my number 4 spot.

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3. Tetrisphere – Tetrisphere is a fun puzzle game that came out for the N64, and it is a nice alternative to Tetris.  The music was really interesting, and it suited the game well.  I’ve spent countless hours playing this game, because it gets addicting.  It actually grows on you when you learn how to play.  I would love to see a sequel to this game.  I wouldn’t mind seeing it for Virtual Console so everyone can know what the game offers.

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2. Earthbound – Fans everywhere that has had the chance to play this SNES gem has made it clear that this was no ordinary RPG.  This is considered one of the greatest RPG’s ever made, not saying that it is the best.  I think that this game needs to have a sequel, and actually needs to be released for the Virtual Console.  Even though I have never played Earthbound, I think that it deserves to be in my number two spot!

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1. Mischief Makers – I think that this game definitely needs a sequel.  The mechanics of the game is wonderful, and there is a lot of potential.  This game was really fun for me to play, and I think that it deserves my number 1 spot.  I just hate that it's a little on the short side, but a sequel could revive this back to life.

Well, if any of you can come up with a few games that you think that need sequels, please share what your thoughts.  Thanks for reading and I’m around if there are any questions.  See you all later.



Orchestrated Videogame Music

I’m starting to get into orchestrated music.  Not just any orchestrated music, videogame orchestrated music!!  I never knew how orchestrated music can sound so good.  I made a blog a month ago that had orchestrated videogame music, and posted some of the music here and there in different blogs.

Here’s a recap on what songs I posted in the past that are completely orchestrated.  First, here is the blog I posted a month ago.  Of course, I can’t accept all the credit, because users like you that help contribute to my topics through the comments, makes all the material readable, worthwhile, enjoyable, and fulfilled!  I always love to see something different as well as others who read the topics and contributions! :D

Now here are the various songs I posted in different blogs in the past. Mario Galaxy – Gusty Garden Galaxy Legend of Zelda- Various

Here are 10 new orchestrated songs that I have found and loved. Enjoy!

1. of Mana – Fear of the Heavens

2. Scrolls: Oblivion Theme

3. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Title Theme

4. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - The Dark World Orchestrated


6. – Regal sounding I think.

7. Super Metroid

8. classic games orchestrated by the Slovak Symphony Orchestra!


10. of the 3 Kingdoms

Well, hope ya’ll enjoyed the songs as much as I have.  I’ll be around if you have any questions or comments for me.  Please feel free to contribute any of your favorite videogame orchestral music.  Share as much as you like. Don't have a contribution?  Tell me and others what you think about the music I post and they post! Thanks for reading and listening. Until next time! :D


Also, I'll be coming up with a topic ready soon for my last paper, but it's not too late recommending topics.  Here is a shortcut to get to it. 


I need to come up with a topic for my last paper.

Hey everyone!  I really would like some help.  I need to come up with a topic to write about in my next and last assignment paper!  I got only three or four weeks left of school.  I got to come up with a topic, so I can get a start on it.  The paper must be baised on argument/persuasion.  Note to self: I got to make it where I won’t run into any logical fallacies while explaining the situations.  Logical fallacies are arguments that are not sound.

Here are some common topics that were mentioned in my class for argument/persuasion, but I don’t really want to write about or get in to.

-Gay/Lesbian related topics





If ya’ll get any ideas, let me know.  I’ll let ya’ll know what I’ll be doing my paper on when Monday or Tuesday comes.  Hope that ya’ll can help me come up with something! :D Thanks for reading, and until next time. 


Also, here's something that I came across, and I think it's funny! :D Enjoy.


I got the Jack Lalane Power Juicer!

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Well, I’m working toward a healthier life by juicing! :D Lol!  I just got it today.  I’ve tested it out already and made grape juice and strawberry juice with a little sugar added.  I never had strawberry juice.  They were both really delicious, and it really does work like said on the commercial!  The pulp is wet sometimes, but it’s were you wash the fruits or vegetables.  There is not a lot pulp left over when you juice with this, and the drinks turn out silky smooth every time.  There were two recipe books that came with it, and I’m planning to try some of the recipes.  I just don’t want carrot, cucumber, mango, tomato, or potato juice.  Yukko!  Some juices are cheaper when you get it from the store, expecially straight juices like apple and orange juice.  The mixed drinks are cheaper to juice though, so I'll definitely be mixing some things.  So I do like the power juicer, and it’s really worth the money.  It’s easy to clean too.  Perhaps, the juicer will help me get the vitamins and minerals I need, because I usually eat crap that’s bad for me most of the time.  I don’t eat vegetables or fruits often, but the juicer might change my mind on a couple of things.  It actually already has changed my mind with the grape and strawberry juice I made!  My digestive track sucks too, so juicing probably will help me with that problem.

Do any of ya'll know any good juices that I might be able juice and try out?

Anyways, that’s all I have to say today.  Not much going on with me now.  Well, if you got questions, comments, or jokes you want to share, I’m around!  See you all later and until next time!
