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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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What would you like to see on XBLA, VC, WiiWare, or PS Network?

There are a library of downloadable games on the XBOX Live Arcade, Virtual Console, WiiWare, and Playstation Network!  What are your top 5 games that you would like or expect to see on any of the services?

Here are lists of what is available and what may be available for download on the XBLA, VC, WiiWare, and Playstation Network.

List of Virtual Console games (North America), List of Virtual Console games (Europe), List of Virtual Console games (Australia), List of Virtual Console games (Japan), List of Virtual Console games (South Korea),,

Well, since I’m associated with Nintendo games, I’m going to list what I would like to see for Virtual Console and WiiWare here in the blog instead of the comments.  Imaginary games are ok to list as well!! :D 

These lists of what I would like to see are listed in no particular order.

My Virtual Console Wants

1. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

2. Sonic and Knuckles

3. Rayman 2: The Great Escape

4. Snake-Rattle-N-Roll

5. Marble Madness

Honorable mentions:

1. Earthbound just because so many people want it and it's too high on EBay.  I didn’t put it in the list because I never played the game.

2. F-Zero 2 because it would be a Japanese import, and it’s a sequel!

What I would like to see for WiiWare

1. Different version of Tetrisphere for Wii. (A N64 favorite)

2. Bubble Bobble Plus!

3. Different version of Meteos for Wii. (A DS favorite)

4. A game that is in similar format to The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and/or Secret of Mana.

5. Sequel or downloadable content for World of Goo (for those who like it). :D

Well, that’s all I have for now.  Got questions, comments, or contributions to the topic? Got milk? :D Ya’ll know where I’m at!  I’ll usually reply!  I hope that everyone has a great weekend, and until next time!

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-Ty :D


Is Nintendo about to ruin Zelda?

*Note: there are a couple of things at the end of the blog that are not associated with the main subject. 

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks will be coming out for DS! It will be in the style of the Wind Waker, but the sequel to the Phantom Hourglass.  Here is the trailer.

As a Zelda fan, It’s a little hard for me to imagine this combination: Zelda + Boat = Success, but Zelda + Train = ? I feel that Nintendo will be taking a serious risk with this game because of the new element.  I think that most people may agree that the realistic, life-like Zelda is and looks better; I really don’t know.  Some people may be disappointed to see that there won’t be a new Zelda for the Wii.  Some may not even mind that there will be one coming out for the DS.  Whatever the case, do you think that Zelda is going to be forever split in two?  (What I mean by split in two: cartoon vs. realistic.)  I think that perhaps it will, because it already has happened.  If Spirit Tracks is successful, I think that they will continue to make cartoon Zelda games; however, it’ll probably just be side stories and/or continuing sequels, which brings me to another idea. - The Twilight Princess was successful, and I think that the main storyline will remain in the realistic, life-like Zelda’s with the exception of Wind Waker because it take place somewhere in the future somewhere in the main story-line. Zelda has gotten a little confusing because of the story-line wavering back and forth, but I think that I understand it so far.  These ideas that I have may not be accurate, but the reason why I posted this blog is to see what everyone else thinks about this.  

I think that the new Zelda game is going to be interesting.  What I think is weird is that the Zelda world is getting technology and modernizing.  It’s like Nintendo taking Zelda into the early 19 -20 century.  In the Wind Waker, there was a pictograph that you could use to take pictures that looks like a camera if I’m not mistaken.  Cameras use electricity!  Here is an article about pictograms, which are ancient drawings and/or paintings. I never played Majora’s Mask, and I’m not sure if you could use the pictograph in that game, but I think that it’s in there. (If you played Majora’s Mask let me know if you use a pictograph.) Now you got a train in the Spirit Tracks game.  Here’s an article about trains that tell when trains were made and more.

Here are the questions that I would like to see input on.  Is Nintendo about to ruin Zelda?  Is Zelda going to have a split between cartoon Zelda and realistic, life-like Zelda? What do you think about the new Zelda game? Do you think that Zelda is slowly, but yet quickly modernizing?  What do ya’ll think about all this? If things sound out of context, tell me what and why you think so.

Well, I’ll see everyone later!  *All Wii owners don’t forget to update your Wii consoles to receive the new SD Card feature, and some other features too.  Also, I have done a review on Pop ‘Em Drop ‘Em SameGame for WiiWare, so if you are interested in buying you can look at my review for some input. There is an extra special surprise that I would like everyone to look at in the previous blog posted.  To everyone, thanks for reading and until next time!

-Sorry for the choppiness of the article guys.  Perhaps the comments might help ya'll better understand where I'm trying to get to.



25 More Memorable Video Game Songs I Like!

Well, here is another one of my famous video game music blogs!  Since I’m in the mood to get in the groove, here are 25 more memorable video game songs I just like!  I just love, love, love music!!!  Remember, there are too many songs that are good, and I cannot list them all.  These are all random songs, and they are not in any particular order.  Sorry that I can’t post anything outside of Nintendo music, because all I know is mostly Nintendo.  Let's kill the boredom away!  Prepare to turn your speakers or earphones on, and enjoy the music everyone! :D

*Note: These are songs that were also not posted in the last video game music blog.  There is one exception, and I marked that with a *.  There are also more things that are important mentioned at the end of this blog, so don’t just stop at just the main list!  Also, some of the Brawl versions sound similar to the originals, so I won't bother posting them. 

1.       Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars – Smithy Battle 1

2.       Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong-Quest – Bramble Blast Original Brawl

3.       Sonic the Hedgehog 2 – Emerald Hill Zone

4.       F-Zero GX – Aeropolis

5.       Mischief Makers – Tombstone/Aster’s Cave

6.       Secret of Mana – Fear of the Heaven’s

7.       Super Mario World – Castle *I posted the Brawl version in another blog, but here it is again side by side with the original. Original Brawl

8.       Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island – Underground

9.       PaperBoy – Various

10.   The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past – Dark World Original Brawl

11.   The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker – Dragon Roost Island

12.   Starfox 64 – Boss Battle

13.   Diddy Kong Racing – Darkmoon Caverns

14.   Banjo-Kazooie – The Final Battle

15.   Super Smash Bros.(N64) – Master Hand

16.   Duck Tales 2 – Various

17.   Marble Madness – Various

18.   Super Mario Land – Easton Original Brawl

19.   Pikmin 2 – World Map (two very good versions) Original Brawl

20.   Bomberman Hero – Redial

21.   Tetrisphere – Extol

22.   Sonic Rush Adventure – Sky Babylon

23.   Super Princess Peach – Giddy Sky

24.   Mario Party – Eternal Star

25.   Mario Kart Wii – Rainbow Road

               Very Special Surprise! Prepare to see “the father of modern games and the Walt Disney of electronic gaming.” ( Shigeru Miyamoto!!

                NEW EXTRA SPECIAL SURPRISE! I came across this by pure accident today, and this theme made me get teary eyed.  This is such a wonderful version of this particular theme, and I encourage ya'll to look at this stunning performance.  You do not want to miss out seeing this!  Enjoy! 

Also as a reminder for those who have and haven’t seen this site,, be sure to check it out! “This is a site to where you can search, explore, and listen to all kinds of videogame music.  Note that all music is made from scratch from a person, and they are all in a midi format.  Midi files might not have the best quality, but some songs are close to what was made in the old golden days of gaming.  In order to search the site, use the section and music menu to navigate through the site, and not the search box.  The search box is just a search engine type deal.” (From my “3 things I would like to mention blog.”)  

Well, if anyone has any questions, comments, or any contributions to this topic, I will usually reply and listen to what ya’ll have!  Comment and share all the music ya’ll want until your hearts are content!  Ya’ll are really wearing me out, but I love to listen to the music ya’ll suggest to me and everyone else here who just loves the music as much as I do!! :D It’s all worth it!!  Also, if there is a video that has been taken off by a user or youtube itself, let me know.  I might be running out of material to post, so I really need to slow down! :D Well, see ya’ll later, and thanks for reading!

-Ty   (I thought that the old name “Ti” was confusing on the pronunciation.  So, since the name I got is flexible, ya’ll can now just type and know me as Ty for short! :D I believe that it’s easier and more common to remember :D).


The accident today.

Well, on my way to school today, I came across this just around the corner in my neighborhood.  What would you do if you seen this around where you live?  I posted a comment in the blog explaining the situation.

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18 random liked movies.

Well, many people seems to be making a top list of something, so I might as well make a list too! :D My list is not going to be the top 18 movies I like, it’s just 18 random movies I favor.  I will also include a whole series as one movie, because they are all good.  I like uncommon things, and movies that are good that people don’t usually see or know of.  I don’t necessarily like what everyone else likes, so everyone who sees this list will probably have some disagreements, but remember that it’s not selection of my top movies.  Remember, I mostly like comedy movies, not action as much.  Well, if you got a recommendation on a movie that I should watch, leave me a comment in the blog.  If you want to know if I watched a movie, ask me.  If there is anything you want to add, then I’ll look at what you want me to see!  Hope ya’ll at least like some of the movies on the list.

The Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

The Superman Movies

The Prize Winner from Defiance, Ohio

Mrs. Doubtfire

Batman Movie Series

Rush Hour Trilogy

Bicentennial Man

Patch Adams

Ace Ventura Series

Shrek Trilogy

Happy Gilmore

Dead Like Me

The Nutty Professor

The Sound of Music

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

See ya'll later! Tireyo643 out!


5 Annoying and Good TV Commercials

It’s Friday!  Thankfully, I am able to come up with a topic on such a nice day. :D Friday is a day where we are just a step away to the weekend, and most people have free time to goof off! :D Well, I would like to mention 5 stupid and good TV commercials in this blog.  These are 5 commercials that annoy me every time it comes on or came on, and 5 commercials that are actually quite good.  :D  Three smily's!!!  I'm happy!

Ok, here are the stupid and annoying commercials in no particular order of the most annoyance. 

1. Mays bores me no matter where he is.

2. had enough of Cash for

3., stick with the older commercials of Geico without the money with eyeballs.

4. would not want to eat there at Quiznos because of this.  When they took it off, I actually went to Quiznos. :P

5. Credit Pirates. BORING!  I can just imagine it repeating itself over and over again right now.

Ok. Here are the 5 lovable commercials, in no particular order of favorites.

1.’s toilet problem

2. Thriller


4. Troyer Geico

5., More, More Comcast

Ok then! That’s all I have for now.  I might post something next week if I can think of anything.  Feel free to leave your questions, comments, and contributions to the subject in this blog or in a PM.  I won't be anywhere near a computer tomorrow, I'm visiting some relatives.  Thank for reading, and I’ll see you all very soon.

-Ti (Tie)


3 things I would like to mention.

Hello everyone! Well, here’s another blog from me!  This time it’s a little unusual.  I’m going to hit 3 main points that is up for note and discussion.

1.       I would like to note that some of the blogs I have been posting lately are re-used from my other profile on another site called Gamespot.  I have added and edited some material that hasn’t got much attention there to here on Giantbomb!  I am very glad to see that someone finally is reading what I post!  I really appreciate the attention, and it motivates me to do more!  I’m glad that ya’ll like what I post, and I’ll do my best to post more good blogs; I really hope I do keep it up so I can communicate with ya’ll about interests in different things!  I’m going to have to post weekly instead of every other day from now on.  Starting immediately, because my schedule is getting tighter this semester in school.

Anyways, I’m absolutely humbled by the community here, and I love the fact that I can connect with all types of gamers that take interests in many similar and different things!  So, I thank ya’ll for making me feel welcome, and I hope that we all have a good year in games, new friendships, and new beginnings! :D

2.       Since so many of ya’ll like video game music like I do, I would like to encourage everyone to visit This is a site to where you can search, explore, and listen to all kinds of videogame music.  Note that all music is made from scratch from a person, and they are all in a midi format.  Midi files might not have the best quality, but some songs are close to what was made in the old golden days of gaming.  In order to search the site, use the section and music menu to navigate through the site, and not the search box.  The search box is just a search engine type deal. So I hope ya’ll to try out the site, and enjoy the site as much as I have! Let me know if you seen it before, or like the site!

Well, I read an AOL article 3 months ago about 2 very odd things!  I actually didn’t save the articles this time, but this is a summary of what I read. It’s about a thing that can go into your eyes. It's supposed to help you see better and see different odd information about certain things. You might even see videogames in full vision if it comes out! The 2nd thing that scares me though is that there is this thing to where you can download information to your brain. That's scary to me, because you may even be able to see on screen on what you are thinking! It literally freaks me out! I don't want to do that! What if the computer crashes during a download! Would you be brain dead? It's so weird, it's almost like mind control! But we all might not have to go to school again if we get one! :D Don’t really know if that’s possible though. Anyways, what do ya’ll think about these 2 odd things?

Well, got questions? Comments? Answers perhaps? Ya’ll know where to catch me, and I’ll reply!  Thank you for reading this blog of mine, and I’ll see ya’ll next time!

-Spring Break is officially over for me. :(  


My 20 Memorable Video Game Songs!

These 20 themes are some of the most memorable music I have heard in videogames.  This is not all the songs that are memorable to me, so i have narrowed the list down.  They are not in any order either, and there are probably some music I left out and missed.  These are pretty much 20 random video game songs i like!  I hope that ya'll will enjoy the music.  Please share your thoughts about the music.  Got anything to share with me?  Please post whatever it is in the comments or in a PM!  Got Questions? Comments? I'll answer and reply to them !  See ya'll later and enjoy the music!  Tireyo643 out!

1. Sonic Rush. - Right There, Ride On.

2. Starfox Adventures. - Thorntail Night Theme.

3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. - Spirit Temple

4. Super Smash Bros. - Credits Theme.

5. Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz. - Sinking Swamp ;)

6. Super Mario World. - Overworld Theme

7. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. - Rogueport

8. Tetrisphere. -Martist

9. Donkey Kong Country. - Aquatic Ambience

10. Mischief Makers. - Overworld 1 *User removed the video, so I found another one with the same theme.

11. Castle/Boss theme for Brawl

12. Donkey Kong Country 2 - Forest Interlude

13. Floro Sapien Caverns

14. Crystal King Battle - Paper Mario :D 

15. Super Monkey Ball Deluxe - Desert

16. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Forest Temple :D 

17. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Ice Cap Zone

18. Super Mario Kart - Battle Mode

19. On the road to Bowser - Super Mario 64 

20. Bouy Base Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy 


My expectations and wants for this year and/or next year!

Here's what I would like to see for 2009 or 2010 in games!

1. New Zelda game

2. New F-Zero game

3. Improvements in quality in WiiWare games

4. Improvements on the number of games released. (Wii)

5. New Super Monkey Ball game

6. New Pikmin Game (not the new play control of the original GC game)

7. New Donkey Kong game. (Donkey Kong Country like and DK64 like)

8. New Sonic game that exceeds expectations.

9. Trial versions of games that Nintendo releases. (VC, WiiWare, Disc)

10. Improvements to the Wii menu. I would like it to where it enables you to customize the layout, color, and approach to select a design while everything still remains in good quality. It would be nice if they had an update that would allow you to do that.

11. New Starfox Game

12. New Paper Mario

13. New Mario Golf

My wants and/or considerations on games that are coming out in the future.

1. The Sims 3 - I love to see the previews for this game, and here are my four favorite videos for this game. Trailer Like taking candy from a baby! This is soo mean! Biden Vs. Palin FUNNY! McCain and Palin Rallying Voters!  This is hiliarious!

2. Klonoa Wii - This is a consideration

3. Wii Sports Resort - This should be good.

4. Scrabble DS - Another consideration! I've always liked Scrabble, eventhough I'm not good at it.

Well that's all the stuff I want to see and/or get for this year or next year!  I have a list made of what I want that is already out in my lists.  Feel free to see them if you want.  Is there anything ya'll are waiting for or wanting to see in the future?  Also, I think that this is funny! Click if you dare!! Well, you got questions? comments? I'll probably respond and answer!  See ya'll later, and until next time!


Is WiiWare a Gimmick?

Well, before I get to the main point I would like to ask ya'll a question.  Do ya'll like me sending wall comments saying that I have responded to your comments?  Feel free to put your responses in this blog.  I would also like to remind that if you are my official friend here at GiantBomb will get to see my special list of games if you request it from me, and I will send it to you through a PM.  If you are not an official friend of mine and request it, then you’ll have to send me a friend request or vice versa to see it!  I can’t send everyone a list!  The other blog was sorta going everywhere, so I posted this again as a reminder.  I think that ya'll will pretty much know my interests in games once and if you see my list of games.  I really am going to slow down on the blogs once all the schools and colleges here get out from Spring Break.  I'm not looking forward to it, but I'll be ready to go back and wait for Summer Break!

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To the Point:  WiiWare is a creative way to bring in new games through download, and it's an open door for little videogame companies. Virtual Console is a way to play or experience old games that you might of missed or go back to.

I don't think that Nintendo takes WiiWare seriously. There are some titles that are worth your money, but there are many WiiWare titles that are just crap.  Many Virtual Console titles put WiiWare to shame.

I don't think that WiiWare has reached its full potential.  Is WiiWare a Gimmick, or turning into one? What do ya'll have to say about it?

Other Stuff:  Do ya'll know or like Fred?  If you don't know him, click the link if you dare! LOL! Har Har! Hehe! Hoho! Haha! Yuk Yuk Yuk!!

Well, any questions? comments? Perhaps I'll answer them!  Well I'll see you all later and enjoy the rest of the week!