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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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Has it been that long?

 One year ago from yesterday, which felt a lot longer for me, I have joined and made my presence known on the Giantbomb community. So, I’m going to dedicate this blog to the community for the reason that ya’ll have made me feel so welcome from the start. Joining the Giantbomb community is probably one of the best things I have done, and there are certainly some good memories. The contributing factors like wiki edits, the blog posts, the Bombcast, and the forum posts are not why I am here even though they do help me stay and enable me to meet new people; I am here for the people, which are not considered to me as a contributing factor. Being part of Giantbomb has been a learning and growing experience for me, and it’s helped me experience something new. My typing speed has even improved, because of me writing things!! I cannot believe that I have missed out on such joy on being part of some sort of community for so long, and I think I joined the best one considering that I love to play videogames like everyone else here. I’m going to continue contributing to the site in my own way. I give my thanks and best of wishes towards a great new year for the Giantbomb community, and perhaps this will be a great year for games as well.
GAME ON!!! = - D

-Ty (AKA: Mork)

P.S. – I know that they held the Grammy awards not too long ago, so I apologize if this blog sounds like I am acknowledging that I won some sort of an award when I really didn’t win. = - P Also, How could I have left for a week without acknowledging that I’ve been here for a year? I simply couldn’t do such a thing. The reason why I’m gone for a week, at least until Saturday, is that there are several problems that have popped up that I don’t really want to mention that will prevent me from getting on. Ya'll have no idea how much I hate that. So those of you that talk to me on a certain basis, hang tight!!!