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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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I better get this done and over with. I got an announcement.

Today is my birthday. So far, it's been fair. Although I've been forgetful of where I put things all day, didn't get a game I wanted, can't remember anything about the 80s song I listened to yesterday which has been eating me up today because I can't find it, having the thoughts and dreading next week because college starts, the fact that my dad isn't here with me to enjoy the day, and the fact that I've just been alone today with the female adult that I call mom that brought me into this world 22 years ago, I have to a point enjoyed myself. Went to a burger joint today to eat, Watched Ghostbusters 1 and 2, and went to the Wal-Mart to take a brief look around. (Yeah, I said brief time at Wal-Mart because it was crowded, and I didn't like hearing perverts...... erm..... people talk about things I don't want to hear. Kinda ruins the looking around experience when you're trying not to forget what you're looking for. - That may have not made since.) 
I did get two presents today...... $20 and a pasta boat for cooking pasta and steaming vegetables.
So there you all have it, I'm 22 today, and I'm able to remain moderately happy with life.