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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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Looking for some good apps for iPhone.

So recently I got an iPhone 3GS 8GB, and it's by far the best phone I've ever had! Got it from AT&T for $49. Didn't get the iPhone 4 because the 3GS is more affordable. Didn't go with Verison, because they didn't want to honor the work discount that my dad could get. Shame because they could of had our business, but AT&T is the best thing to have in this location (Plus they honored the discount) besides the prepaid phones that are available through Wal-Mart now. (I know because I've had one.)  
I've been browsing around the app store, and I've downloaded a lot of nice free apps. I was able to find one app for free, and the price changed today. (Will mention in my upcoming list) So, I'm looking for apps that I haven't discovered yet that other people know about. Best place to get information from people? GIANT BOMB, OF COURSE! So, good people of Giant Bomb, recommend me some apps please! Perhaps my list, or other peoples recommendations will help you discover new apps too (if you got an iPhone and blah blah blah)!
What I got for free: 

Netflix (Awesome)
Google Mobile 
EBay Mobile 
AOL Radio 
DirecTV (Wanting to know this works. Guess I got to contact DirecTV sometime. -_- )
Ringtone Maker
Angry Birds Free (I've been addicted to this, big time)
Angry Birds Seasons Free (I've been addicted to this too)
Solitare (With ads)
Bust-A-Move Lite
AIM (Free Edition) 
Checkers Free 
Boggle (Free download was available yesterday, so it's back to $0.99 today. Glad that I found it early!)
Bubble Shooter Free
Shop Savvy Bar Code Scanner 
Sales Tax Calculator
Sale Saver (Percent off calculator) 
Scrabble Free 
Old school Blocks 
Merriam-Webster Dictionary (Free) 
Best Buy
Adobe Photoshop Express 
USB Disk 
What I'm wanting to buy in the future: 
Angry Birds 
Angry Birds Seasons 
Paperboy: Special Delivery 
Bejeweled 2 + Blitz  
Other than the good news that I got a new cell phone that happens to be great, my personal life otherwise has sucked big time. I've not been talking about it, and I probably won't talk about it either. Not really fun being 22 now.
Well, I'm done for now. See ya'll later! 