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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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Money, why does it go so quick?

Money, why does it go so quick?

Well, I got a scholarship to go to college right? Well, yesterday I got my a check in the mail that was left over from the tuition and books that was at the approximate cost of $233.40. I generously gave my mother $100 of that scholarship money, so she spent it like that on some sort of old table and old Home Interior picture. Ugh, women. I am good to her though, and she is very good to me, so I can't really complain too bad. So, I had around $133 left, and today I spent a chunk of that money just to get a Smart Talk LG Phone, and a $30 card subscription plus I spent a little extra since mom didn't have enough for her phone and subscription. I don't deny her anything, but I'm a little upset that a chunk of the money is just gone. I have around $54 left. I'm literally going to have to hoard it and possibly hide it, so I can personally buy Super Mario Galaxy 2 when it comes out in May (I doubt the money will be able to be kept that long, but I can hope.) I'll still get that one CD that I've been waiting for a month. (No one here will like what I like because it's strange Celtic music, so I'm not going to give the name of the CD for the sake of protecting the children. HAHAHA = - P) I want for precisely $12.47 very soon, and hopefully two months from now I'll get some money back till it reaches $52.49 or more, so I can get the game.
One thing about me being 21 is that my life isn't to normal compared to others. Normal 21 year old people know how to drive, they have some sort of job to make money, and some go to college. For me, I am legally blind in one eye, and I have a depth perception problem, so I can't drive, which puts me at a handicap to apply for a job. Depth perception - Think about it this way, I can't tell distance, and everything looks like a flat photograph or piece of paper to me. Weird and a little difficult at times to explain, but it is a problem I have. So, I can't earn any money, and I don't get allowances. Sucks for me big time. At least I'm attending college for free, and passing all my classes in college right now, so that is all that matters right now......
Anyways, by getting these phones, it's supposed to save the family money and literally over $100 in phone expenses. So it'll pay off in the long run, but I am going to miss my old phone a little bit, because it could take pictures and videos, even though I rarely used that feature. I don't regret getting the phones all, it's just that I'm not too happy about using the scholarship money to get them because cell phones are a necessity anymore, not a want, whether I like it or not. 
So, I have $54 left, WOW. = - /
On the bright side, with my $30 plan, for 30 days I can get 1000 minutes, 1000 texts, 30 MB of storage, and free 411 calls. This is actually a better plan than what I had before oddly. My plan before had only half the minutes at a higher price tag than this new plan has at a lower price, so that is a very good thing.

Well, that's enough about my pathetic life. If ya'll got any questions or comments, then let me have it. Perhaps I'll be in a good mood soon, so I won't chew any of ya'll out.
See you all later, and until next time.
-Ty (Mork)