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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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People you wish were your friends.

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Please list the people you want to be your friend and why.
1.        Robin Williams - Besides being my favorite actor, I think it would be cool to be friends with him. Why? Because he’s funny, and he has an interesting life story, and he’s been in a lot of movies that I still love to this day. There would be plenty to talk about, and there would be an instant friendship. Believe it or not, he is a gamer!! Don’t believe me? Visit his Wikipedia page.

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2.        Eithne Ní Bhraonáin (Enya) – Besides being my favorite singer, it would be interesting to get to know her more. She lives in a beautiful castle in Ireland that I would love to visit, and she inspires me to travel to Ireland someday. I would love to hear some of her experimental works in music, I would like to see some of the watercolor paintings, and I wouldn’t mind seeing the kinds of artwork she collects. I just know that whatever she paints and collects is going to be beautiful.

3.        Shigeru Miyamoto – I might need a translator to actually talk to him. = - P I would just love to just talk to him about video games. I could probably talk to him all day and into next week about games. Haha.

4.        At least one person from the big 4 – We all know who these 4 people are! I tried getting a response from some of the Giantbomb staff members, but no luck. Just want to talk about interests in games and such. Get some recommendations too. At least I can be thankful for the friends I’ve already made here on Giantbomb. = - D

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5.        Gene Simmons and his family– I don’t like heavy metal or heavy rock music. However, I like some music that he (Gene) and his band were involved with like “Rock and Roll All Nite” and “Beth”. Even though that would be an area that I probably wouldn’t talk to him about a lot, but he is a very intelligent individual who has a great amount of business sense. It would be interesting to get a few tips from him about how to run a business, and stuff that he has done to be successful. Not only is he a person I would like to get to know, I wouldn’t mind meeting his family. In the reality series “Gene Simmons Family Jewels”, not only is he funny, but his family is funny and entertaining at the same time. They do seem to be a great bunch of people.

 *Added some people to the list.

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6. Jackie Chan - Because he is awesome
7. Tom Hanks - Legendary Actor!
8. Steve Martin - He can be my favorite grandfather.
9.  Adam Sandler - He's wild, man!!
10.  Jennifer Love Hewlett - Don't judge me. I like her.
Aside from my pipe dreams of actually being a friend to these people, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge those who have become my friends on Giantbomb, even the ones that may not be here anymore that I was friends with. Thanks for being nice and mostly honest. Who really needs to be friends with the following people above when I got my real-life friends and people like you that I've met on Giantbomb. So thanks! Always willing to learn something new and see someone new too. Anyway, see you all later, and until next time.